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Education Law: Equality, Fairness, and Reform, Third Edition

  • Derek Black
  • Robert A. Garda
  • John E. Taylor
  • Emily Gold Waldman
Series / Aspen Casebook Series
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Written by Derek Black, one of the nation’s foremost experts in education law and policy, and Education Law Association’s 2015 Goldberg Award for Most Significant Publication in Education Law recipient, this third edition casebook develops Education Law through the themes of equality, fairness, and reform. The book focuses on the laws of equal educational opportunity for various disadvantaged student populations, recent reform movements designed to improve education, and the general constitutional rights that extend to all students.

New to the Third Edition:

  • Updates on litigation regarding the fundamental right to education, school funding, and their intersection with COVID-19 issues
  • New cases and analysis on the rights of LGBTQ youth, including Bostock v. Clayton County
  • Department of Education’s new regulatory structure for investigating and resolving sexual harassment claims
  • Two new U.S. Supreme Court special education cases defining the meaning of “free and appropriation public education” and the intersection of Rehabilitation Act with the Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act
  • New cases on student walkouts and protests
  • New U.S. Supreme Court case, Espinoza v. Montana, on vouchers and the free exercise of religion
  • New analysis and updates on the Every Student Succeeds Act
  • New materials on the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision striking down mandatory teacher union fees

Professors and student will benefit from:

  • Efficient presentation of cases—to permit more comprehensive inclusion of case law and issues
  • Problems—which can be modified for group exercises, in-class discussion, or out-of-class writing assignments
  • Contextualization and situation of case law in the broader education world—by including edited versions of federal policy guidelines, seminal law review articles, social science studies, and organization reports and studies
  • Careful editing of cases and secondary sources—for ease of reading and comprehension
  • Narrative introductions to every chapter, major section, and case—synthesize and foreshadow the material to improve student comprehension and retention
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About the authors
Derek Black
University of South Carolina

Derek Black is a Professor of Law at the University of South Carolina School of Law and the Ernest F. Hollings Chair in Constitutional Law.& He is one of the nation’s foremost experts in education law and policy. He offers expert witness testimony in school funding, voucher, and federal policy litigation and his research is routinely cited in the federal courts, including before the U.S. Supreme Court.& He is also a regular commentator and op-ed contributor in outlets like emUSA Todayem, emNew York Timesem, emWashington Postem, and the emWall Street Journalem, among others.& He appears on radio and television, including National Public Radio stations and affiliates across the nation, PBS, cable television networks, and CSPAN. He began his career in teaching at Howard University School of Law, where he founded and directed the Education Rights Center.& Prior to teaching, he litigated education cases at the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law. His new book, emSchoolhouse Burning: Public Education and the Assault on American Democracyem, warns that current education trends represent a retreat from our nation’s foundational commitments to democracy and public education.

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Third Edition
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Connected eBook + Hardcover
Connected eBook (Digital Only)
Education Law
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