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The Law of American Health Care, Third Edition
Nicole Huberfeld, Elizabeth Weeks Leonard, Kevin Outterson, Matthew Lawrence
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Medical Liability and Treatment Relationships, Fifth Edition
Mark A. Hall, Nadia N. Sawicki, Mary Anne Bobinski, David Orentlicher, I. Glenn Cohen
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Bioethics and Public Health Law, Fifth Edition
David Orentlicher, Mary Anne Bobinski, I. Glenn Cohen, Mark A. Hall
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Health Care Law and Ethics, Tenth Edition
Mark A. Hall, Mary Anne Bobinski, David Orentlicher, I. Glenn Cohen, Nicholas Bagley, Nadia N. Sawicki
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Bioethics and the Law, Fifth Edition
Janet L. Dolgin, Ashley R. Hurst, Lois L. Shepherd
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Health Law and Bioethics Cases in Context: Cases in Context
Sandra H. Johnson, Joan H. Krause, Richard S. Saver, Robin Fretwell Wilson
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The Law of Health Care Finance and Regulation, Fifth Edition
Mark A. Hall, Nicholas Bagley, David Orentlicher, I. Glenn Cohen, Nadia N. Sawicki
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The Law of Covid-19, First Edition
Paul A Diller
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