Fundamentals of Litigation for Paralegals, Eleventh Edition
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634 pages
Publication Date
Eleventh Edition
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Fundamentals of Litigation for Paralegals, Eleventh Edition, provides a complete understanding of the entire litigation process--from the moment the client walks into the office, through trial and post-judgment, including settlements and alternative forms of resolution. Popular and widely respected, authors Maerowitz and Mauet present a clear and balanced treatment of litigation and accessible explanations of the rules. Well-suited to a wide range of teaching approaches, the timely Eleventh Edition reflects the practice of litigation today.
New to the Eleventh Edition:
Most current updates to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure
New developments in e-Discovery and the use of social media integrated into the text
Thoughtful revisions and streamlined text throughout
Professors and students will benefit from:
Thorough coverage of the entire litigation process
A balanced and reader-friendly presentation
Accessible and cogent discussion of rules and procedures
A flexible organization that lends itself to a variety of teaching objectives
A comprehensive design for learning that includes
bold-faced key terms
visual aids
chapter overviews
review questions
Realistic examples of motions, pleadings, and discovery requests in a litigation file appendix
Short, edited cases in each chapter, with questions, for a follow-up discussion on key topics
A companion electronic workbook, completely revised for this edition, with review questions, case scenarios, and practice forms
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