Problems and Materials on Commercial Law, Thirteenth Edition
Problems and Materials on Commercial Law, Thirteenth Edition
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Clear, lucid, and extremely accessible, Problems and Materials on Commercial Law helps students understand black letter law and the statutory language in the Uniform Commercial Code. Concise yet comprehensive coverage includes the most recent case and statutory developments in all fundamental areas of Commercial Law, including sales, payment systems, and secured transactions. A sensible, flexible organization follows the order of UCC Articles and is adaptable to many teaching styles. Drawing on experience in both teaching and writing, the authors provide thorough and practical coverage using a popular problems approach. The text’s effective format, manageable length, and inclusion of the most important cases make Problems and Materials on Commercial Law concise and efficient.New to the Thirteenth Edition:
- Sales:
- New cases and problems on issues such as:
- Cryptocurrency and sales law
- Whether platforms such as Amazon Marketplace are considered sellers of goods sold by their users
- Online contract formation
- Requirements contracts
- Whether the pandemic relieved parties of obligations to perform sales contracts
- When specific performance is appropriate
- The interplay between adequate assurance of performance and repudiation
- New cases and problems on issues such as:
- Payment:
- Description of the new Article 12 of the Uniform Commercial Code
- Updated Problems on lost promissory notes
- New data added on overdraft fees
- New case on liability of bank for opening account for fraudulently drawn checks
- New Electronic Fund Transfer cases on negligence in opening accounts and allowing transfers from accounts
- New cases and new/expanded Problems
- Secured Transactions:
- Discussion of how secured transactions are affected by the 2022 Amendments to the UCC, including the new Article 12, governing digital assets like cryptocurrency and non-fungible tokens
- New cases on key Article 9 issues, such as the scope of Article 9, attachment, errors in financing statements, perfection, purchase-money security interests, and repossession
- New/expanded Problems, including on applying the various parts of Article 9 to digital assets under the 2022 Amendments and the new Article 12
- Effective format—makes black letter law accessible and helps students understand statutory language
- Flexible organization—adaptable to many different teaching styles or custom projects
- Thorough and up-to-date coverage—including the latest changes in (and cases relating to) U.C.C. Articles 2, 3, 4, and 9, as well as other relevant laws and cases
- Distinguished authorship—draws on experience in both teaching and writing
- Popular “Problems” approach—helps engage students and makes for dynamic classroom discussion
- Multiple-choice questions at the end of each chapter—with analysis for each answer, so students can evaluate why the “right” choice works best
- Case selection—includes the most important cases
- Manageable length—concise and lucid
Chapter 1. Introduction to the Uniform Commercial Code
Chapter 2. Basic Concepts
Chapter 3. Contract Formation
Chapter 4. Warranties
Chapter 5. Terms of the Contract
Chapter 6. Performance of the Contract
Chapter 7. Remedies
Chapter 8. Negotiability
Chapter 9. Negotiation
Chapter 10. Holders in Due Course
Chapter 11. The Nature of Liability
Chapter 12. Mortgages and Promissory Notes
Chapter 13. Banks and Their Customers
Chapter 14. Wrongdoing and Error
Chapter 15. Electronic Banking
Chapter 16. Investment Securities
Chapter 17. Documents of Title
Chapter 18. Letters of Credit
Chapter 19. Introduction to Secured Transactions
Chapter 20. The Scope of Article 9
Chapter 21. The Creation of a Security Interest
Chapter 22. Perfection of the Security Interest
Chapter 23. Multistate Transactions
Chapter 24. Priority
Chapter 25. Bankruptcy and Article 9
Chapter 26. Proceeds
Chapter 27. Default
Table of Cases
Table of Statutes
Product Information
Problems and Materials on Commercial Law, Thirteenth Edition
Connected eBook with Study Center + Hardcover
Problems and Materials on Commercial Law, Thirteenth Edition
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Problems and Materials on Commercial Law, Thirteenth Edition