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Modern Trial Advocacy: Analysis and Practice, Canadian Fourth Edition

  • Steven Lubet
  • Cynthia Tape
Series / NITA
Teaching Materials

Now in its fourth edition, Modern Trial Advocacy: Canada is the first and last word in Canadian trial practice. This classic handbook, published by the National Institute for Trial Advocacy, gives practitioners a detailed road map for conducting a trial. Expanding on the original text written by Steven Lubet for an American audience, experienced Toronto trial lawyers Cynthia Tape and Julie Rosenthal guide the beginning advocate in developing a winning case theory through all phases of trial. They explain how to present a case as a story – and powerfully and persuasively tell that story to the jury.

Modern Trial Advocacy: Canada provides not only Canadian case law and statutes, but also valuable insight into the specific elements of Canadian litigation practice as itpresents a realistic and contemporary approach to learning and developing trial advocacy skills. This book offers a sophisticated, theory-driven approach to advocacy training that distinguishes it from other books in the field.

The fourth edition has been updated with current citations to case law, statutes, and rules and the latest “best practices” for using technology in the courtroom.

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About the authors
Steven Lubet

Steven Lubet is a Professor of Law at Northwestern University. As Director of the Law School’s Program on Advocacy and Professionalism, he teaches courses on Legal Ethics, Trial Advocacy, Pretrial Litigation, and Negotiation. In addition to over fifty books and articles on legal ethics and litigation, he has published widely in the areas of international criminal law and dispute resolution. Professor Lubet is the author of Modern Trial Advocacy (currently in its sixth edition, which is co-authored by J.C. Lore), which has also been published in Canadian and Israeli editions. Professor Lubet is co-author of Judicial Conduct and Ethics (Lexis, 2000) (also currently in its sixth edition), which has been called the nation’s leading authority on judicial ethics. Professor Lubet’s other books include Nothing but the Truth: Why Trial Lawyers Don’t, Can’t and Shouldn’t Have to Tell the Whole Truth (NYU Press, 2001), as well as Exercises and Problems in Professional Responsibility (NITA) and Problems and Materials in Evidence and Trial Advocacy (NITA), both co-authored with Northwestern University School of Law Professors Robert Burns and Thomas Geraghty. In conjunction with the National Institute for Trial Advocacy, he has organized litigation programs in the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Israel, New Zealand, Australia, Singapore, and Hong Kong.

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