Tongue-Tied America: Reviving the Art of Verbal Persuasion, Third Edition
Series / Aspen Select Series
Tongue-Tied America: Reviving the Art of Verbal Persuasion, Third Edition
Book length
326 pages
Publication Date
Third Edition
A brief, practical text that focuses on the art of speaking persuasively. A discretionary purchase for law students, business school students, lawyers, and other professionals, this text compliments any course covering persuasion, trials, appellate advocacy, and any clinical program with an oral component.
New to the Third Edition:
- Porter v. Donnelly Case File: With these materials, readers can practice making opening statements, closing arguments, examining witnesses, and making arguments to a court.
- Exercises at the end of each chapter to help you master new skills.
- Expanded historical examples of effective and ineffective speeches.
- Analysis of how social media has affected verbal persuasion, the dangers of propaganda, and the roles of facts and emotions in effective rhetoric.
Professors and students will benefit from:
- This book offers a practical, easy-to-understand approach to improve your public speaking. The lessons are derived from the best teachings of classical rhetoric, psychology, law, and the theater.
- Readers are exposed to concrete lessons in topics such as how to write an effective verbal presentation, how to create and use memorable visual aids, how to improve physical delivery and stage presence, vocal exercises, and techniques to conquer stage fright.
- The book also explores how to speak effectively in a world dominated by social media and in today’s political climate.
- This book is suitable for a trial practice class because includes a complete case file for the trial of Porter v. Donnelly. However, it exceeds the offerings of a typical case file because readers are not simply learning the nuts and bolts of trial practice exercises; instead, they are asked to view each of those exercises through the lens of rhetoric.
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Product Information
Third Edition
Publication date
Copyright Year
Introduction to Law
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Tongue-Tied America: Reviving the Art of Verbal Persuasion, Third Edition
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