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Slovin v. Slovin: Case File, Second Edition

  • Barbara S. Barron
  • Lawrence W. Kessler
Series / NITA
Teaching Materials
Table of contents
Slovin v. Slovin is a multifaceted matrimonial action that started when Rita Slovin sued her husband, Michael Slovin, for divorce under the jurisdiction’s no-fault divorce provisions. Rita seeks sole custody of the couple’s two children, while Michael seeks a significant equitable distribution award and sole custody of their children. Michael has also brought a separate action against Rita for battery and slander. Slovin is a multi-purpose case file divided into five modules. The first two modules focus on child custodythe negotiation and trial of the child custody case. The second two modules concern the trial and negotiation of financial issues, with sole consideration to equitable distribution. In addition to those traditional matrimonial litigation issues, there is an additional module that introduces the theory of marital tort as an offshoot of the matrimonial litigation. There are two causes of action, one for battery and the other for defamation. The insertion of those two tort claims allows for additional training in basic trial advocacy skills while developing more complex theories of the case. Further, the related battery and defamation actions allow participants to gradually develop their advocacy skills. Slovin v. Slovin features eleven witnesses, depositions and testimony, expert reports, and modern electronic evidence in the form of Twitter posts that are accessible on online “microsites.”
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Second Edition
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Connected eBook (Digital Only)
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