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Emanuel Law in a Flash for Civil Procedure I, Sixth Edition

  • Joel Wm. Friedman
Series / Emanuel Law in a Flash Series
Teaching Materials

Every law student’s “must-have” for exam prep! Civil Procedure is many law students’ most dreaded First Year class. The cases can be confusing, with convoluted concepts. However, at its core, Civil Procedure is the process by which a civil claim makes its way through litigation. Everything you will learn in Civil Procedure is simply a step in that process. This edition focuses on the first half of that process, which corresponds roughly to the coverage in a first semester Civil Procedure course.

With Law in a Flash, you have the foundation to improve exam performance. Once you’re familiar with this content, you can face your exam with the confidence of knowing and understanding the key principles and issues that are normally tested in a first semester Civil Procedure course.

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About the authors
Joel Wm. Friedman

Joel Wm. Friedman joined the Arizona State University Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law in the Fall, 2022 semester. Prior to that, Professor Friedman was a faculty member at Tulane University School of Law from 1976 until June 30, 2022. He graduated from Yale Law School in 1975 and then completed a one-year federal district court clerkship in Los Angeles. He is a nationally known expert in the field of labor and employment discrimination law and has lectured widely on a variety of labor and employment law topics as well as on the subject of the use of developing technologies in legal research, teaching and publication. He also is an active arbitrator and mediator.

Professor Friedman is the author of Cases and Materials on Employment Discrimination Law published by Foundation Press, Inc. and the author of articles on a wide range of employment discrimination topics published in such journals as the Cornell Law Review, Texas Law Review, Vanderbilt Law Review, Iowa Law Review, Tulane Law Review, and Washington & Lee Law Review. He is also co-author of The Law of Civil Procedure, published by Thomson/West. Professor Friedman has been invited to lecture on comparative international law of labor relations and employment discrimination as a Visiting Professor at the Law Schools at the University of Texas, University of San Diego, Chuo University (Tokyo, Japan), University of Tel Aviv (Israel) and Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel). In 1990, he received a Fulbright Scholarship to do research and teach in the area of employment discrimination law in Israel. During that time, he worked on a codification project designed to revise Israel’s collection of employment-related statutes. In 1992, Professor Friedman was invited to make a ten day, three city speaking tour of three major cities in South Africa, where he advised labor, management and legislative leaders on law reform in the area of affirmative action.

For over twenty-five years, Professor Friedman was the U.S. Federal Judicial Center’s expert consultant on employment discrimination law. In this capacity, he lectured at annual judicial conferences and made similar presentations to all newly appointed federal district judges and to U.S. Magistrate Judges. Professor Friedman also created and conducted special programs on mediation skills training for U.S. District and Magistrate Judges.


B.S. Cornell Universithy 1972

J.D. Yale Law School 1975

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Sixth Edition
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Digital Flashcards
Civil Procedure
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