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Environmental Crime: Pollution and Wildlife Enforcement

  • Jared C. Bennett
Series / Aspen Select Series
Teaching Materials

Environmental Crime: Pollution and Wildlife Enforcement is a complete introduction to some of the newest and most complex criminal statutes within the federal penal system. Regardless of whether a student has any background in environmental law or the federal criminal process, he/she will learn of the policy origins of environmental criminal enforcement, the centrality of prosecutorial discretion, federal criminal standards and procedure, and the most important pollution and wildlife crimes within the United States Code. Coverage includes the Clean Water Act, Clean Air Act, RCRA, CERLA, FIFRA, the Lacey Act, the Endangered Species Act and its enforcement of CITES, the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act, animal fighting statutes, and other commonly used conventional statutes in criminal prosecutions.

Professors and students will benefit from:

  • Robust analysis of major pollution laws, their history, and why and how they are criminally enforced
  • Broad examination of criminal laws governing wildlife protection and trafficking
  • The role of international, state, and tribal laws in federal environmental enforcement
  • Cutting-edge cases and case notes
  • Numerous hypothetical case examples that link general federal criminal principles with environmental law
  • A level playing field for students regardless of prior exposure to pollution and wildlife laws or criminal processes
  • Interdisciplinary approach to the use of science in proving heightened burden of criminal environmental enforcement
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About the authors
Jared Bennett

Jared C. Bennett graduated Order of the Coif from the University of Utah College of Law in 2001, earned a Certificate in Environmental and Natural Resources Law, and a Master of Public Administration from the University of Utah. From 2001-2002, Jared clerked for the Honorable Pamela T. Greenwood on the Utah Court of Appeals.

In 2002, Jared was hired as an Honors Program Attorney for the Solicitor’s Office in the United States Department of the Interior. In 2005, Jared was hired as an Assistant United States Attorney at the United States Attorney's Office for the District of Utah in the United States Department of Justice. He was the Civil Division Chief from August 2013 to August 2017. In the Civil Division, Jared dealt with all types of civil cases but handled many natural resources cases and defended land-use decisions of federal land management agencies.

Starting in 2006, Jared also served as an environmental crimes prosecutor. As an AUSA, Jared taught trial advocacy to prosecutors in Latin America and Asia. Jared taught in the Dominican Republic, Colombia (twice), El Salvador (twice), Mexico (18 times), and East Timor. In 2013, Jared testified before the Mexican Senate Judiciary Committee regarding draft legislation for Mexico's criminal procedure code.

In August 2017, United States Attorney John W. Huber appointed Jared to serve as the First Assistant United States Attorney for the United States Attorney's Office, District of Utah. Since 2004, Jared has taught at the University of Utah in the fields of Environmental Law, Environmental Crimes, Constitutional Law, Natural Resources and Public Lands, Property Law, and Administrative Law.

In January 2020, Jared was selected to serve as a United States Magistrate Judge in the District of Utah. He began his judicial service in May 2020. His office is located in the United States Courthouse in Salt Lake City.

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Environmental Law, Elective , Environmental Law
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