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Property Law: Practice, Problems, and Perspectives, Third Edition

  • Jerry L. Anderson
  • Daniel B. Bogart
Series / Aspen Casebook Series
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Property Law: Practice, Problems, and Perspectives is a truly contemporary 1L Property text. This book is distinguished by its extraordinarily clear and engaging writing, and by the degree to which the authors make material accessible to students in this foundational course. Anderson and Bogart’s text is a joy to read, for both student and teacher. The authors embrace the task of training lawyers, and as a result, their text regularly asks students to answer questions and solve problems from the perspective of attorneys. The authors delve fully into legal doctrine and address profound policy issues in a direct and understandable manner. The casebook draws upon an outstanding range of case opinions, including those from seminal cases as well as recent and provocative disputes. The text uses a two-color design and includes a wonderful selection of photographic images. Each chapter begins with an introduction that captures themes and issues that run throughout and ends with a bulleted summary of the law.

Property Law: Practice, Problems, and Perspectives is NextGen Bar ready. The text covers all of the substantive topics covered on the new bar exam. Moreover, the problems and exercises train students to think of real-world applications of the material, just like the NextGen format. New “Preparing for Practice” exercises develop the skills tested on the NextGen Bar. The book’s unique online simulation resource features practice-ready materials and professionally-produced author-scripted videos that illuminate property law issues and disputes. The text regularly references documents used in practice; these documents are available to students in the simulation.

New to the 3rd Edition:

  • NextGen Bar Ready! The authors have carefully curated the substance of the book to ensure that it covers the topics tested on the new bar exam. In addition, the “Preparing for Practice” exercises throughout the book should help develop the practice-oriented thought processes and skills necessary to succeed in the new exam format.
  • Revised and updated case opinions and textual discussion. For example, the section addressing the Fair Housing Act now includes additional discussion of disparate impact litigation after Texas Dept. of Housing and Community Affairs v. Inclusive Communities Project, Inc. Similarly, the authors updated the chapter devoted to takings law to include the latest cases, such as Cedar Point Nursery. The IP Chapter includes the 2023 Supreme Court decision on trademark protection involving Jack Daniel’s and dog toys.
  • Enjoyable new problems drawn from the most recent reported case opinions. New problems include: the application of the takings clause to taxi licenses in the wake of Uber/Lyft; covenants against short-term rentals like VRBO and AirBnB; easements involving proposed carbon capture pipelines; the application of the Fair Housing Act to eviction based on the use of a service dog in violation of the lease; the use of part performance by a son to enforce a contract breached by his parents.


Professors and students will benefit from:

  • A blend of property doctrine and real-world practice.
  • A stimulating, challenging presentation that is also transparent. The book retains the subtlety of the classic texts but comments explicitly on the overlapping elements to ensure that students can see all the connections among legal doctrines.
  • Numerous examples that richly illustrate the introduction of new material.
  • A unique interactive element that teaches students how to read a land survey. The authors present this element during the discussion of the importance of the description of real property in deeds and contracts. This exercise helps students understand the issues presented by the text in case opinions and problems.
  • The transactional perspective adopted by the authors in chapters where that is especially relevant, such as real estate transactions and landlord/tenant law.
  • A unique border along the edge of the text in the chapter on the real property transaction, allowing students to place key concepts and doctrinal material in the context of phases of the transaction.
  • A robust electronic version of the casebook, along with online videos and practice-ready materials.
  • A book that is the ideal text for a four-unit course, but includes ample coverage permitting a professor to construct a five- or six-unit course.
  • Revealing and sometimes startling images, such as a subdivision-marketing poster from San Diego in 1915, reflecting racially-restrictive covenants -- a frightening visual example of pervasive discriminatory housing practices that existed prior to the Fair Housing Act.
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About the authors
Jerry L. Anderson
Richard M. and Anita Calkins Distinguished Professor of Law
Drake University Law School

Jerry L. Anderson is the Richard M. and Anita Calkins Distinguished Professor of Law at Drake University Law School.

Daniel B. Bogart
Donley and Marjorie Bollinger Chair in Real Estate Law
Dale E. Fowler School of Law at Chapman University

Daniel B. Bogart holds the Donley and Marjorie Bollinger Chair in Real Estate Law and serves as the Director of the Law School’s Center for Land Resources. In addition to his current role as Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Professor Bogart previously served as the Law School’s Associate Dean for Administration from 2010-2012. Professor Bogart’s scholarly, teaching, and national service interests emphasize transactional practice. His articles have appeared in the UCLA Law Review, the American Bankruptcy Law Journal, and the Pittsburgh Law Review, among others. Professor Bogart is also the co-author of four books, including Commercial Leasing, A Transactional Primer (with Professor Celeste Hammond). Professor Bogart is contributing editor to Friedman on Leases (Randolph Edition), the most widely used treatise on commercial lease law and practice. Professor Bogart speaks regularly at scholarly events, including recent presentations at Renmin University of China School of Law in Beijing and Emory Law School in Atlanta, Georgia.

Professor Bogart began his teaching career in 1990, when he was named to the faculty of the Drake University Law School. He joined the Chapman University Fowler Law School faculty in 1998. He is a recipient of Chapman University’s Valerie Scudder Award, recognizing outstanding achievement in teaching, scholarship, advising, and service. Professor Bogart has been named outstanding teacher at both the Drake and Chapman Law Schools. He has chaired most of the key committees at the Law School at one time or another. Notably, he chaired the committee devoted to the Law School’s successful membership application to the Association of American Law Schools. Professor Bogart is past chair of the Real Estate Transactions Section of the Association of American Law Schools. He is an elected member of the American Law Institute and a Fellow of both the American College of Real Estate Lawyers and the American Bar Foundation. He received his B.A. (1982), J.D. (1986), and M.A. in Economics (1986) from Duke University.

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Third Edition
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Connected eBook with Study Center + Hardcover
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Property Law
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