Stanton v. Armstrong: Case File, Second Edition
Series / NITA
Stanton v. Armstrong: Case File, Second Edition
Book length
124 pages
Publication Date
Second Edition
Table of contents
Is Harper Stanton a victim, or a villain? Toby Armstrong wrote a guest article for the Puffington Post website accusing Harper Stanton of taking a bribe to fix the Miss Olympia beauty pageant—an article this suit claims cost Stanton their job as CEO of Miss Olympia, Inc. Harper Stanton brings this civil case for defamation. Armstrong, a blogger who owns a pageant contestant coaching company, claims that the poorly-run show and the suspiciously high placement of one contestant are proof that Stanton took a bribe—a bribe that witness Rory Carter claims to have seen take place. Stanton denies the claims and asserts that Armstrong wrote the post out of jealousy over Stanton’s success.
This entertaining and well-balanced case file presents users with interesting facts and multiple types of exhibits for practice in entering into evidence, all while limiting the witness list to four witnesses. Easy to run as a short trial, you’ll crown Stanton v. Armstrong a winner.
New to the Second Edition:
This entertaining and well-balanced case file presents users with interesting facts and multiple types of exhibits for practice in entering into evidence, all while limiting the witness list to four witnesses. Easy to run as a short trial, you’ll crown Stanton v. Armstrong a winner.
New to the Second Edition:
- Text message evidence
- An updated map of Stanton’s office
- Miss Scattersburg’s Q&A answer in video form
- Text-reader accessible exhibits and detailed alternate text for photos
- Fast-paced, easily understandable text that allows users to focus on their trial skills instead of minutia
- A well-balanced set of facts on which either side could prevail
- A closed universe: relevant statutes and case law are provided
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Second Edition
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Trial Practice
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Stanton v. Armstrong: Case File, Second Edition
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