Basic Civil Litigation, Third Edition
Basic Civil Litigation, Third Edition
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Comprehensive and practical in nature, the Third Edition of Basic Civil Litigation is designed to provide paralegal students with a thorough explanation of the fundamentals of civil litigation. A student-friendly tone discusses all key topics relevant to the practicing paralegal.
The text retains the features that have earned it widespread success:
- a thorough explanation of the basics of litigation. The author uses a light, conversational tone to cover all key topics necessary to paralegal practice
- well-structured and covers all the topics typically included in the basic course, without being overwhelming or intimidating
- many illustrations and forms provide realistic examples of litigation practice
- points out practical, common-sense considerations for paralegals. Boxes interspersed throughout the text highlight and explain particularly troublesome concepts
- two sample cases are followed throughout the book, providing coherent examples for students to refer to throughout the course
Freshly revised to incorporate great new and updated material:
- incorporates all changes made to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure through December, 2006
- presents expanded discussions on many topics, including computerized litigation, electronic information and the use of the Internet to assist in fact-gathering, discovery, and trial
- expands coverage of Ethics
- well-structured and covers all the topics typically included in the basic course, without being overwhelming or intimidating.
Product Information
Basic Civil Litigation, Third Edition
Connected eBook with Study Center + Paperback
Basic Civil Litigation, Third Edition
Connected eBook with Study Center (Digital Only)
Basic Civil Litigation, Third Edition