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Torts: Cases and Materials, Sixth Edition

  • Aaron D. Twerski
  • James A. Henderson
  • W. Bradley Wendel
Series / Aspen Casebook Series
Teaching Materials
Table of contents

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Written first and foremost as a teaching tool, Torts: Cases and Materials, is a casebook that engages students without avoiding the hard questions. Modeled on the venerable Prosser casebook, but intended to be modern, accessible, and sophisticated, this book consistently gets high marks from students for being clear, user-friendly, and not playing hide-the-ball like so many other casebooks. Challenging hypotheticals and authors’ dialogues engage students while allowing instructors to probe more deeply into ambiguous or developing areas of law. The book’s manageable length makes it ideal for a three- to four-hour introductory Torts course.  

New to the 6th Edition:

• Cases that are judiciously edited, so as to let the judges’ voices be heard, along with the inclusion of dissenting opinions where important.
• Numerous recent cases have been added both in the notes and as principal cases, while old material has been pruned back to reduce unnecessary bulk.
• Continued integration of the Third Restatement throughout the book, including caselaw development following the new Restatement (particularly in the area of foreseeability, duty, and proximate cause).

Professors and student will benefit from:

• Designed to clarify the law, not befuddle students.
• Explanations, note cases, and hypotheticals increase understanding.
• Written in the authors’ voices, the book is plain-spoken and transparent about both the law and the authors’ pedagogical goals.
• Based on student and professor surveys, the book has been hailed as one of the most user-friendly casebooks that students use in law school as reflected in student evaluations of faculty.
• The comprehensive Teachers’ Manual  informs instructors about developing issues, point out important secondary literature, and answer the questions raised in the notes and hypotheticals.  

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Table of Contents
Summary of Contents


Chapter 1. Intentional Torts: Interference with Persons and Property 
Chapter 2. Privileges/Defenses 
Chapter 3. Negligence 
Chapter 4. Actual Causation 
Chapter 5. Proximate Causation 
Chapter 6. Nonliability for Foreseeable Consequences
(Limited Duty Rules) 
Chapter 7. Owners and Occupiers of Land 
Chapter 8. Affirmative Defenses 
Chapter 9. Joint Tortfeasors 
Chapter 10. Strict Liability 
Chapter 11. Products Liability 
Chapter 12. Trespass to Land and Nuisance
Chapter 13. Damages
Chapter 14. Defamation
Chapter 15. Privacy 

Table of Cases 
Table of Statutes and Other Authorities
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Professor Materials
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About the authors
Aaron Twerski
Brooklyn Law School

Professor Twerski is a preeminent authority in the areas of products liability and tort law. The American Bar Association's Tort Trial Insurance Practice Section honored him with the 2007 Robert B. McKay Law Professor Award, which recognizes law professors who are committed to the advancement of justice, scholarship, and the legal profession in the fields of tort and insurance law. He was Co-Reporter for the American Law Institute's Restatement of the Law (Third) Torts: Products Liability, published in 1998. For his distinguished performance as a Reporter, the ALI named him the R. Ammi Cutter Reporter.

He is a prolific scholar, having published dozens of law review articles on torts and products liability law. Among his recent articles are those published in the Yale Law Journal, Cornell Law Review, New York University Law Review, Northwestern University Law Review, and the Georgetown Law Journal. He is also the author of the leading textbook, Products Liability: Problems and Process (4th ed. 2000) (with J. Henderson, Jr.).

His expertise has been widely called upon by state and federal legislative bodies considering product liability and mass tort legislation, and he is a frequent lecturer to the practicing bar. He joined the faculty in 1986, after serving as Interim Dean at Hofstra University School of Law, where he taught for many years. He also taught at Duquesne University School of Law and was a Visiting Professor at Cornell, Boston University, and the University of Michigan law schools. His background also includes a teaching fellowship at Harvard Law School and work as a trial attorney with the U.S. Department of Justice in its Civil Rights Division.

James A. Henderson
Frank B. Ingersoll Professor of Law Emeritus
Cornell University

James Henderson, late, of Cornell Law School, was a leading commentator in the field of torts and products liability. After he received both an LL.B and LL.M from Harvard Law School, Professor Henderson clerked for the Hon. Warren L. Jones of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. He then taught at Boston University Law School for twenty years before joining the Cornell Law School Faculty in 1984.

His scholarship and teaching address theoretical, practical, and process concerns in the fields of products liability and torts. In addition to serving as the co-reporter of the American Law Institute's revision of the products liability portions of the Restatement of the Law of Torts from 1992–1998, Henderson testified extensively on torts, products liability, and insurance before the Senate and Congress, as well as before numerous state legislatures. He co-authored torts and products liability casebooks.

W. Bradley Wendel
Cornell University

Brad Wendel is a professor at Cornell Law School. Professor Wendel joined the Cornell faculty in 2004, after teaching at Washington and Lee Law School from 1999-2004. Before entering graduate school and law teaching, he was a product liability litigator at Bogle Gates in Seattle and a law clerk for Judge Andrew J. Kleinfeld on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. His teaching interests are in the regulation of the legal profession and torts, and his research focuses on the application of moral and political philosophy to problems of legal ethics. Professor Wendel is the author of Examples & Explanations: Professional Responsibility, also published by Aspen Publishing.

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Sixth Edition
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Connected eBook with Study Center + Hardcover
Connected eBook with Study Center (Digital Only)
Tort Law
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