Bundle: Property Law: Rules, Policies, and Practices, Eighth Edition and Examples & Explanations for Property, Seventh Edition
Bundle: Property Law: Rules, Policies, and Practices, Eighth Edition and Examples & Explanations for Property, Seventh Edition
Print Bundle - This bundle includes both print and digital versions of ISBN 9781543838534 as well as print ISBN 9781543857610.
More about Property Law: Rules, Policies, and Practices, Eighth Edition, this hugely successful materials-and-problems book is acclaimed for its textual clarity, evenhanded perspective, and contemporary, up-to-date character. Easily distinguished from other property casebooks for its plain-language descriptions of legal doctrine; explanations of the social ramifications of our system of property law; emphasis on statutory and regulatory interpretation; comprehensive treatment of public accommodations and fair housing law, tribal property issues, and property in human bodies; and use of the problem method to teach legal reasoning and lawyering skills. Streamlined for more accessible teaching, the Eighth Edition has been thoroughly updated to reflect significant changes in the law of property, including in responses to the Covid-19 pandemic, in intellectual property, housing discrimination, regulatory takings, and more.
Bundle also includes Examples & Explanations for Property, Seventh Edition. This book is for a Property student’s use both before and after class. It also summarizes the fundamentals of property law in preparation for a final examination, including the Bar Exam. Its text is based on the casebooks on Property in widespread use in this country, with its subjects arranged in the order in which they are typically presented.
Product Information
Bundle: Property Law: Rules, Policies, and Practices, Eighth Edition and Examples & Explanations for Property, Seventh Edition
Connected eBook Print Bundle