Basic Wills, Trusts, and Estates for Paralegals, Ninth Edition
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568 pages
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Ninth Edition
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Helewitz’s Basic Wills, Trusts, and Estates for Paralegals is a concise and practical guide to the planning and administration of wills, trusts, and estates.
This succinct, simple, and straightforward introduction to all the basics of wills, trusts, and estates law was specifically designed for paralegal students. Continuing examples describing four different families provide an accessible structure and helpful point of reference for students learning the intricacies of estate planning. Highlights include:
A straightforward introduction that provides a student-friendly orientation to the subject
Clear and concise coverage of key topics
A review of the sources of property law, trusts, and taxes
A helpful guide to drafting documents related to wills and trusts
Step-by-step instruction for completing the entire federal estate tax return
State-by-state analysis of trust and estate law
Four families/clients threaded through the text exemplify the intricacies of estate planning
General and state-specific sections concerning admissibility and restrictions for electronic wills
Updated codes and case law for the comparison of estate law in the different jurisdictions
Updated tax thresholds and rules
Updated federal and state documents and forms
New case studies in each chapter cover such issues as:
QTIP trusts
The impact of Covid on the execution of wills
Claims against an escheated estate
Wrongful prolongation of life
Professors and students will benefit from:
Comprehensive coverage of the key topics includes a review of the sources of property law, trusts, and taxes, topics not thoroughly covered in other texts.
Clearly written text and lively examples help students understand the law.
A straightforward introduction that provides a student-friendly orientation to the subject
Clear and concise coverage of key topics
A helpful guide to drafting documents related to wills and trusts
Step-by-step instructions for completing the entire federal estate tax return
State-by-state analysis and comparison of trust and estate law
Four families/clients threaded through the text exemplify the intricacies of estate planning
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Ninth Edition
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Connected eBook + Paperback
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Wills, Trusts, and Estates
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Basic Wills, Trusts, and Estates for Paralegals, Ninth Edition