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ALWD Guide to Legal Citation, Seventh Edition
Carolyn V. Williams
Connected eBook + Spiral Bound
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Legal Writing and Analysis, Sixth Edition
Linda H. Edwards, Samantha A. Moppett
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Drafting Contracts: How and Why Lawyers Do What They Do, Third Edition
Tina L. Stark, Monica L. Llorente
Connected eBook + Paperback
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Essential Lawyering Skills: Interviewing, Counseling, Negotiation, and Persuasive Fact Analysis, Sixth Edition
Stefan H. Krieger, Richard K. Neumann, Renée Hutchins Laurent
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Trial Techniques and Trials, Twelfth Edition
Thomas A. Mauet, Stephen D. Easton
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Pretrial, Eleventh Edition
Thomas A. Mauet, David Marcus
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Legal Reasoning and Legal Writing, Ninth Edition
Richard K. Neumann, Ellie Margolis, Kathryn M. Stanchi
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Estates in Land and Future Interests: A Step-by-Step Guide, Sixth Edition
Linda H. Edwards, Courtney Cahill
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A Practical Guide to Appellate Advocacy, Sixth Edition
Mary Beth Beazley
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Resources to Accompany An Introduction to Constitutional Law: 100 Supreme Court Cases Everyone Should Know , Second Edition
Randy E. Barnett, Josh Blackman
Materials in Trial Advocacy: Problems and Cases, Tenth Edition
Thomas A. Mauet, Warren D. Wolfson, Stephen D. Easton
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Pretrial Advocacy: Planning, Analysis, and Strategy, Sixth Edition
Marilyn J. Berger, John B. Mitchell, Ronald H. Clark
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The Handbook for the New Legal Writer, Third Edition
Jill Barton, Rachel H. Smith
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Legal Writing, Fifth Edition
Richard K. Neumann, Sheila Simon, Suzianne D. Painter-Thorne
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Principles of Appellate Advocacy, Second Edition
Daniel P. Selmi, Rebecca Delfino
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Practical Guide to Legal Writing and Legal Method, Seventh Edition
John C. Dernbach, Richard V. Singleton, Cathleen S. Wharton, Catherine J. Wasson
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Aspen Handbook for Legal Writers: A Practical Reference, Fifth Edition
Deborah E. Bouchoux
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Briefs and Beyond: Persuasive Legal Writing, First Edition
Mary Beth Beazley, Monte Smith
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Trial Evidence, Eighth Edition
Thomas A. Mauet, Warren D. Wolfson, Jason Kreag
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Resources to Accompany Advanced Appellate Advocacy
Susan E. Provenzano, Sarah O. Schrup, Carter G. Phillips, Jeffrey T. Green
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Negotiating Business Transactions: An Extended Simulation Course, Third Edition
Daniel D. Bradlow, Jay Gary Finkelstein Â
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Trial Advocacy: Planning, Analysis, and Strategy, Fifth Edition
Marilyn J. Berger, John B. Mitchell, Ronald H. Clark
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Connecting Ethics and Practice: A Lawyer's Guide to Professional Responsibility, Third Edition
Katerina P. Lewinbuk
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Legal Writing for Legal Readers: Predictive Writing for First-Year Students, Third Edition
Mary Beth Beazley, Monte Smith
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Video Case Studies to Accompany The Practice of Mediation: A Video-Integrated Text, Fourth Edition
Douglas N. Frenkel, James H. Stark
American Indian Tribal Law, Third Edition
Matthew L.M. Fletcher
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