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Strategies and Tactics for the First Year Law Student: Maximize Your Grades

  • Steven L. Emanuel
Series / Strategies & Tactics Series
Teaching Materials

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Strategies and Tactics for the First Year Law Student gives you a detailed, step-by-step program for surviving the first year of law school.
  • Note-taking--Sharpening your note-taking skills will maximize your study time and improve your grades
  • Your law professor's personality--Understanding it can be to your advantage
  • Study traps--What are they and how to avoid them
  • Memory aids--How classic memory systems work and when you should (and shouldn't) use them
  • The pressures of law school--Effective techniques for handling the pressure from classmates, professors, and reading assignments
  • Taking exams--Nine steps to writing exceptional exam answers
  • The Internet--Useful search engines and websites

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About the authors
Steven L. Emanuel

As a student at Harvard Law School, Steve Emanuel wrote concise outlines for his courses and sold them in the law school dining hall to his fellow students. His outlines were such an immediate hit that soon after graduation, Steve quit the practice of law and started his own company to publish the Emanuel ® Law Outlines series and other study-aid series he helped write. Over 2 million copies of study aids written by Steve have been sold. Steve is a member of the New York, Connecticut, Maryland, and Virginia bars, and has passed the California bar.

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