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Allen v. Allen: Case File, Trial Materials, Second Edition

  • Andrew I. Schepard
  • Gregory Firestone
  • Philip M. Stahl
  • Sonya Johnson
Series / NITA
Teaching Materials

Allen v. Allen describes the legal, emotional, and economic challenges a family of four faces during a divorce. The parents, Lynne and David Allen, each seek decision-making authority and primary residence of their two adolescent children, while also disputing the valuation and division of their marital assets.

The complexities that accompany family reorganization necessitated by divorce and the unique nature of family law litigation require interdisciplinary knowledge and the understanding and cooperation of lawyers, mediators, mental health experts, and financial experts. This second edition of Allen v. Allen takes place in an interdisciplinary setting to allow professionals to work together to protect the rights, needs, and interests of their clients and children.

The case file features five witnesses (i.e., a court-appointed, neutral expert psychologist; valuation experts for both sides; husband and wife), exhibits, depositions, expert reports and evaluations, and social media evidence (Facebook posts, emails, and text messages). The parenting plan and business valuation disputes can be tried separately or together; each will challenge the learner’s advocacy and examination skills.

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