Taylor v. Pinnacle Packaging Products, Inc.: Deposition Materials, Faculty, Third Edition
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Book length
82 pages
Publication Date
Third Edition
Teaching Materials
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In the Third Edition of Taylor v. Pinnacle Packaging Products, Inc., the plaintiff, Jamie Taylor, was hired by the defendant, Pinnacle Packaging Products, Inc., to work in the company warehouse. During her employment, the plaintiff claims she was sexually harassed by the warehouse manager, John Hamilton. Taylor was fired by Hamilton during her probation period. The plaintiff alleges that she was fired because she resisted the advances of Hamilton. Taylor has sued Pinnacle under a Title VII claim for sexual harassment and wrongful discharge. There are three witnesses for the plaintiff and four for the defendant. A deposition version of Taylor v. Pinnacle Packaging Products, Inc. is also available in plaintiff, defendant, and faculty versions. The deposition and trial files are fully integrated, so that students may use the deposition materials to study deposition practice and then go on to study trial practice using the trial materials. Full color copies of exhibits are available digitally.
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