A Practical Guide to Federal Evidence: Objections, Responses, Rules, and Practical Commentary, Fifteenth Edition
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370 pages
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Fifteenth Edition
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The Fifteenth Edition of A Practical Guide to Federal Evidence includes changes in the Federal Rules of Evidence through December 1, 2023. The modernized writing style makes the information easy to comprehend and put into practice. This book will help you think on your feet when you offer or oppose objections during pretrial and trial. Each section is laid out for easy reference and includes:
a definition of the topic;
the specific forms of objections and responses;
the controlling rule; and
commentary that gives experienced, real-world insights into typical issues you might confront.
This guide outlines the foundations needed to admit evidence—useful whether you are proffering or objecting. The Quick Reference Guide at the end of the book provides instant access to ninety common objections. The eBook links the objections in the Quick Reference Guide back to the full text, putting instant reference to the appropriate rule and commentary at your fingertips.
New to the Fifteenth Edition:
2023 Amendments to Federal Rules of Evidence included in rules and text
Explanations of impact of changes to Rule 615 regarding excluding witnesses
Updated description of effect of changes to Rule 106 on correcting misimpressions
Discussion of changes to burden of proof in Rule 702
Professors and students will benefit from:
Explanations of the why of evidence issues
Brief, easily understood and digested descriptions of the evidence skills
Objections and responses provided for each common evidentiary issue
Excellent evidence book to use in a criminal law, evidence, torts, or other class
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Fifteenth Edition
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Connected eBook (Digital Only)
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A Practical Guide to Federal Evidence: Objections, Responses, Rules, and Practical Commentary, Fifteenth Edition