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K: A Common Law Approach to Contracts, Third Edition

  • Tracey E. George
  • Russell Korobkin
Series / Aspen Casebook Series
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The perfect casebook for the modern Contracts course. This highly-focused, case-based text offers a comprehensive treatment of the basic issues of contract law and emphasizes development of analogical reasoning skills. Each section is limited to three types of materials (brief narrative, judicial opinions, and discussion problems) and is designed to teach students how to read opinions, analyze issues, distinguish material from immaterial facts, and apply holdings to similar problems.

New to the Third Edition:

  • New discussion problems have been added throughout the book to better enable the students to apply the material learned from the principle cases to new factual situations and then learn how judges have dealt with those situations.
  • New narrative material, cases, and discussion problems have been added on the topic of contract interpretation, the most common source of contract law disputes.

Professors and student will benefit from:

  • Lean, focused text with a 2-color design that can be taught, cover-to-cover, in a one-semester course
  • Sections that are limited to three types of materials (brief narrative, judicial opinions, and discussion problems), which best promote the teaching and learning of the method of legal reasoning
  • Both classic and contemporary cases are edited to include sufficient background and reasoning for students to analyze the court’s decision
  • Discussion problems present summarized facts from real cases
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Third Edition
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Connected eBook with Study Center + Hardcover
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Contract Law
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