Aspen Treatise for Introduction to Feminist Legal Theory, Third Edition
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464 pages
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Third Edition
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The leading text in the field, Introduction to Feminist Legal Theory was the first book that served as an introductory survey of feminist jurisprudence. Its historical view of feminist legal theory places issues in social context and thoroughly reviews the evolving paradigms of contemporary feminism from the 1970s through the present. The full range of legal issues affecting women are covered, including gender discrimination, rape, sexual harassment, motherhood, reproductive issues, and much more. Clear, energetic presentation keeps students engaged and involved with succinct overviews, intellectually stimulating material, and jargon-free prose.
The Third Edition features up-to-date theories and topics, such as the "autonomy" feminism and "masculinities" theory. Expansion of the current theory-based structure includes the "big three" feminisms described in the previous edition and the "new three" feminisms, which are expanded in the third edition. New applied areas are covered as well, such as transgender legal issues and sex trafficking. While the book remains U.S.-focused, important new material on global and comparative feminism has been added. Throughout the text, students will find discussion about changes in the law since 2003 on issues such as rape, pay equity, sex stereotyping, marriage equality, Title IX, and more.
Thoroughly updated, the revised Third Edition presents:
Two-part organization, focusing on chronology and substantive areas of the law that are of particular importance to feminist legal scholars
Part one focuses on chronology by examining the three generations of feminist legal theory that have emerged since 1971
the Generation of Equality (1970s)
the Generation of Difference (1980s)
the Generation of Complex Identities (1990s to present)
this part will also include the "new three" feminisms in the 3rd edition (intersectional, autonomy and postmodern feminism)
Part two focuses on substantive areas of the law, which fall into three categories
economic subordination of women
sexual subordination of women
motherhood and reproduction
Introduction of new applied areas
transgender legal issues
sex trafficking
reproductive justice
More material on global and comparative feminism, while remaining U.S.-focused
Discussion of changes in the law since 2003
domestic violence
pay equity
torts and tax law
same-sex marriage
Title IX, and more
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Aspen Treatise for Introduction to Feminist Legal Theory, Third Edition