Bundle: Civil Procedure, Eleventh Edition and Examples & Explanations for Civil Procedure, Ninth Edition: Bundle: Civil Procedure, Eleventh Edition and Examples & Explanations for Civil Procedure, Ninth Edition
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Series / Aspen Bundle Series
Bundle: Civil Procedure, Eleventh Edition and Examples & Explanations for Civil Procedure, Ninth Edition: Bundle: Civil Procedure, Eleventh Edition and Examples & Explanations for Civil Procedure, Ninth Edition
Book length
720 pages
Publication Date
Eleventh Edition
<p>The print textbook and study aid bundle includes lifetime access to the online textbook eBook on Casebook Connect. This eBook is equipped with useful features such as highlighting, annotation, and search capabilities.</p>
This bundle contains:
Civil Procedure, Eleventh Edition
Stephen C. Yeazell, Joanna C. Schwartz
In Civil Procedure, the authors employ a pedagogical style that offers flexible organization at a manageable length. The book introduces students to the procedural system and provides them with techniques of statutory analysis. The included cases are factually interesting and do not involve substantive matters beyond the experience of first-year students. The problems following the cases present real-life issues. Finally, the book incorporates a number of dissenting opinions to dispel the notion that procedural disputes always present clear-cut issues.
Examples & Explanations for Civil Procedure, Ninth Edition
Joseph W. Glannon
ISBN: 9781543839333
With this ninth edition of Examples & Explanations for Civil Procedure, Joseph Glannon’s uniquely entertaining style teaches and engages students in all aspects of the first-year Civil Procedure course.
Civil Procedure, Eleventh Edition
Stephen C. Yeazell, Joanna C. Schwartz
In Civil Procedure, the authors employ a pedagogical style that offers flexible organization at a manageable length. The book introduces students to the procedural system and provides them with techniques of statutory analysis. The included cases are factually interesting and do not involve substantive matters beyond the experience of first-year students. The problems following the cases present real-life issues. Finally, the book incorporates a number of dissenting opinions to dispel the notion that procedural disputes always present clear-cut issues.
Examples & Explanations for Civil Procedure, Ninth Edition
Joseph W. Glannon
ISBN: 9781543839333
With this ninth edition of Examples & Explanations for Civil Procedure, Joseph Glannon’s uniquely entertaining style teaches and engages students in all aspects of the first-year Civil Procedure course.
Professor Materials
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Product Information
Eleventh Edition
Publication date
Copyright Year
Connected eBook Print Bundle
Criminal Procedure
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Bundle: Civil Procedure, Eleventh Edition and Examples & Explanations for Civil Procedure, Ninth Edition: Bundle: Civil Procedure, Eleventh Edition and Examples & Explanations for Civil Procedure, Ninth Edition
Connected eBook Print Bundle
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