Bundle: Civil Procedure: Doctrine, Practice, and Context, Seventh Edition with Connected Quizzing and PracticePerfect
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1312 pages
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Seventh Edition
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Print Bundle - This bundle includes both print and digital versions of ISBN 9798889061793 with Connected Quizzing, ISBN 9781543814491 and PracticePerfect, ISBN 9781543817317.
Digital Bundle - This bundle includes a digital-only version of ISBN 9798889061809 with Connected Quizzing, ISBN 9781543814491 and PracticePerfect, ISBN 9781543817317.
More about Civil Procedure: Doctrine, Practice, and Context, Seventh Edition: Written by respected scholars and experienced educators, this book showcases rules and doctrine of civil procedure at work in the practice of law. The book focuses on civil rights both to engage student’s by focusing on issues they care about and to illustrate the impact of procedure on real people’s experience with the legal system. The cases are framed in their historical and social context. Each chapter contains a well-written introduction, cases, and clear explanations of the doctrine, supported by readings highlighting the context of the case as well as review questions and comments which deepen students’ understanding and clarify key concepts, and offers more than forty well-crafted problems (both for class use and review), to help students solidify their understanding of the materials whether used in class or as out-of-class assignments. In-class exercises and simulations based on a sample case file are integrated throughout. Pleadings, memoranda, transcripts, exhibits, motions, and more – all taken from a real case – appear in the Appendix. Civil Procedure: Doctrine, Practice, and Context consistently emphasizes the skills and values of lawyering as it offers a consideration of social responsibility.
Bundle includes Connected Quizzing. Delivered through CasebookConnect.com, Connected Quizzing is an easy-to-use formative assessment tool that tests law students’ understanding and provides timely feedback to improve learning outcomes. Connected Quizzing requires a Professor Course Code to access the quizzes.
Bundle also includes PracticePerfect: Civil Procedure, a visually engaging, interactive study aid designed to help students review core course topics and test their ability to recall and correctly apply the law. PracticePerfect contains a library of animated videos that explain course topics through hypothetical situations, quizzes to test knowledge and understanding, and progress trackers so students can identify their strengths and weaknesses in the course. Designed to work with all major casebooks, PracticePerfect is the ideal study companion for today's law students.
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Seventh Edition
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Connected eBook Print + Multi Digital Bundle
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Civil Procedure
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Bundle: Civil Procedure: Doctrine, Practice, and Context, Seventh Edition with Connected Quizzing and PracticePerfect