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Bundle: The First Amendment: Cases and Theory, Fourth Edition and Examples & Explanations for First Amendment

  • Ronald J. Krotoszynski
  • Lyrissa C. Barnett Lidsky
  • Caroline M. Corbin
  • Timothy Zick
  • Laura E. Little
Series / Aspen Bundle Series
Teaching Materials

Print Bundle - This bundle includes both print and digital versions of ISBN 9781543826685 as well as print ISBN 9781543821178.


More about The First Amendment: Cases and Theory,  the Fourth Edition is a comprehensive and up to date First Amendment casebook that covers freedom of speech, freedom of association, and religious liberties.

Bundle also includes, Examples & Explanations for First Amendment. Award-winning teacher and respected author of several volumes, Professor Laura Little has written a new book on the First Amendment. Following the proven Examples and Explanations format, the book covers all of the amendment’s major topics – with emphasis on speech and religion. Professor Little presents hypothetical examples that range from simple and straightforward to complex and rich. As a result, students using the book can acquire both basic and advanced knowledge of First Amendment doctrine. Equally important, this approach allows students the opportunity to practice their skill of marshalling arguments on many sides of contested legal issues.  

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About the authors
Ronald J. Krotoszynski
University of Alabama

Admitted to practice in Georgia and the District of Columbia; Clerked for the Hon. Frank M. Johnson, Jr., of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit, 1991-92; Associate with Covington & Burling, D.C., 1992-95; Visiting Scholar in Residence, University of Washington School of Law, summer 1996; Visiting Assistant Professor of Law, William and Mary Law School, fall 1998; Assistant Professor of Law, Indiana University, 1995-98, Associate Professor of Law and Paul Bean Research Fellow, 1999-2000; Visiting Professor of Law, Washington and Lee University, fall 1999; Associate Professor of Law, 2000-02; Professor of Law, 2002-; Ethan Allen Faculty Fellow, 2001-02, 2002-03.

Lyrissa Lidsky
University of Florida

Professor Lidsky's research focuses on press freedom in the Internet Age and the intersection of tort law and the First Amendment. She teaches Mass Media Law, Torts, Advanced Torts, and Constitutional Law

Laura Little
Temple University School of Law

Professor Laura E. Little is James G. Schmidt Professor of Law and Senior Advisor to the Dean at Temple University Beasley School of Law. She specializes in federal courts, conflict of laws, and constitutional law. She teaches, lectures, and consults internationally on these subjects and is routinely engaged for training judges as well as for speeches at judicial conferences. She is the author of numerous books and articles, including most recently a treatise, Federal Courts, in Aspen Publishing's Examples and Explanations series.

Among her many awards for teaching and scholarship are several law school awards, a university-wide Lindback award, and Temple's highest award for teaching, the University Great Professor Award. Before entering academia, Professor Little practiced law in Philadelphia, litigating commercial cases and representing the print media in First Amendment cases. Prior to her law practice, Professor Little served as a law clerk to Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist, Supreme Court of the United States (October Term 1986), and Judge James Hunter III of the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit (1985-1986).

Professor Little has several times taught in Temple's programs in Tokyo, Japan, and Rome, Italy. She has also lectured frequently to Chinese judges and prosecutors on the nature of American law, conflict of laws, and legal practice. She has also served as a consultant on federal courts, civil procedure, and appellate advocacy issues.

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Fourth Edition
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Connected eBook Print Bundle
First Amendment
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