Bundle: Products Liability Law, Second Edition with Connected Quizzing
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Product Liability Law, Second Edition Mark A. Geistfeld
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About the authors
Mark Geistfeld
New York University School of Law
Mark Geistfeld is the Sheila Lubetsky Birnbaum Professor of Civil Litigation at New York University School of Law, where he has been a member of the fulltime faculty since 1991. Professor Geistfeld received his J.D. from Columbia University, after having served as Editor-in-Chief of the Columbia Law Review. He also received a Ph.D in economics from Columbia, with highest distinction, and a M.A. in economics from the University of Pennsylvania. His primary teaching areas are Insurance, Products Liability, and Torts. He has also taught Law and Economics. Professor Geistfeld is a Senior Editor of the Journal of Tort law, an academic contributor to Blacks Law Dictionary, and a referee for peer-reviewed scholarly journals and university presses. He formerly was the Director of the Masters of Comparative Jurisprudence program at NYU, and is now a Co-Director of the NYU Center for Law and Economics.