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Bundle: Briefs and Beyond: Persuasive Legal Writing and Connected Quizzing, First Edition

  • Mary Beth Beazley
  • Monte Smith
Series / Aspen Bundle Series
Teaching Materials

Print Bundle - This bundle includes both print and digital versions of ISBN 9781543813913 as well as Connected Quizzing, ISBN 9781543814491.

More about Briefs and Beyond: Persuasive Legal Writing, First Edition, this book hits the sweet spot between books that focus only on briefs and books that try to do too much. Expertly written and constructed, Briefs and Beyond gives law professors options to supplement a persuasive writing course with complaints, demand letters, and other persuasive documents while not overwhelming their students.

Bundle also includes Connected Quizzing. Delivered through, Connected Quizzing is an easy-to-use formative assessment tool that tests law students’ understanding and provides timely feedback to improve learning outcomes. Connected Quizzing requires a Professor Course Code to access the quizzes.

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About the authors
Mary Beth Beazley
Professor of Law &spamp;amp; Director of Legal Writing
The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law

Professor Mary Beth Beazley came to Ohio State in 1988 after serving as co-director of the Legal Research, Writing, and Reasoning Program at Vermont Law School and as a research and writing instructor at the University of Toledo. She teaches Writing and Analysis, Appellate Advocacy, and Advanced Legal Writing, and she has coached the National Moot Court Team for many years. Professor Beazley has authored a widely used textbook (A Practical Guide to Appellate Advocacy) and numerous articles, including ldquo;Ballot Design as Fail-Safe: An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Litigation.rdquo; She also has authored a chapter in the Carolina Academic Press publication The Law and Harry Potter.

Monte Smith
Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs
The Ohio State University & Moritz College of Law

Monte Smith graduated from The Ohio State University twice, earning a bachelor's degree in English and a J.D. He practiced with a large law firm and then served as a career law clerk to United States District Judge Sandra Beckwith for 14 years before returning to the law school at Ohio State as Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs. He has taught legal writing and related topics for many years&and is currently a visiting professor at UNLV's William S. Boyd School of Law.

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First Edition
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Connected eBook Print + Digital Bundle
Legal Writing
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