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Inside Property Law: What Matters and Why, Second Edition

  • Daniel B. Bogart
Series / Inside Series
Teaching Materials
With dynamic learning features and visual aids, the Inside Series helps you make the most of your study time, throughout the semester and as you prepare for the final. Unlike heavily abridged treatises, the Inside Series is carefully written in a concise, straightforward style that clearly identifies the essential components of the law and how they fit together. You can quickly learn what is important and why. Overviews and Tables of Contents in each chapter act as a roadmap to guide you through topics, showing you how each relates to the larger legal framework. FAQs clarify points of law and help you avoid common mistakes and misconceptions. Sidebars give fascinating additional detail from legal history, policy, famous cases and more. The graphic design supports your visual learning, and features such as bolded key terms, summaries, and Connections help reinforce your understanding while giving you ample opportunity for self-review.

Surprisingly concise, visually compelling, the Inside Series is extremely useful throughout the semester to help you identify the essential components of the law and how they fit together.

  • Comprehensive coverage of the essential topics emphasizes what you need to know and why.
  • Clear, straightforward, informal writing explains every topic for you without over-simplifying the concepts.
  • Overviews and Tables of Contents in each chapter act as a roadmap to guide you through topics, showing you why each matters and how it fits into the larger framework of the law.
  • FAQs clarify points of law and help you avoid common mistakes and misconceptions.
  • Sidebars enrich the text with fascinating detail from legal history, policy, famous cases and more.
  • Bolded key terms, Connections and summaries reinforce your understanding and give you ample opportunity for self-review.
  • The overall graphical design of the series supports your visual learning.
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About the authors
Daniel B. Bogart
Donley and Marjorie Bollinger Chair in Real Estate Law
Dale E. Fowler School of Law at Chapman University

Daniel B. Bogart holds the Donley and Marjorie Bollinger Chair in Real Estate Law and serves as the Director of the Law School’s Center for Land Resources. In addition to his current role as Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Professor Bogart previously served as the Law School’s Associate Dean for Administration from 2010-2012. Professor Bogart’s scholarly, teaching, and national service interests emphasize transactional practice. His articles have appeared in the UCLA Law Review, the American Bankruptcy Law Journal, and the Pittsburgh Law Review, among others. Professor Bogart is also the co-author of four books, including Commercial Leasing, A Transactional Primer (with Professor Celeste Hammond). Professor Bogart is contributing editor to Friedman on Leases (Randolph Edition), the most widely used treatise on commercial lease law and practice. Professor Bogart speaks regularly at scholarly events, including recent presentations at Renmin University of China School of Law in Beijing and Emory Law School in Atlanta, Georgia.

Professor Bogart began his teaching career in 1990, when he was named to the faculty of the Drake University Law School. He joined the Chapman University Fowler Law School faculty in 1998. He is a recipient of Chapman University’s Valerie Scudder Award, recognizing outstanding achievement in teaching, scholarship, advising, and service. Professor Bogart has been named outstanding teacher at both the Drake and Chapman Law Schools. He has chaired most of the key committees at the Law School at one time or another. Notably, he chaired the committee devoted to the Law School’s successful membership application to the Association of American Law Schools. Professor Bogart is past chair of the Real Estate Transactions Section of the Association of American Law Schools. He is an elected member of the American Law Institute and a Fellow of both the American College of Real Estate Lawyers and the American Bar Foundation. He received his B.A. (1982), J.D. (1986), and M.A. in Economics (1986) from Duke University.

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Second Edition
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Property Law
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