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PracticePerfect Wills, Trusts, and Estates

  • Deborah Gordon
  • Emily Grant
  • Karen J. Sneddon
Series / PracticePerfect Series
Teaching Materials
Table of contents

PracticePerfect is a visually engaging, interactive study aid designed to help students review core course topics and test their ability to recall and correctly apply the law. PracticePerfect contains a library of animated videos that explain course topics through hypothetical situations, quizzes to test knowledge and understanding, and progress trackers so students can identify their strengths and weaknesses in the course. It was developed by a team of experts in the field of Wills, Trusts, and Estates: Deborah S. Gordon, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs at Drexel University Thomas R. Kline School of Law; Emily Grant, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs at Washburn University School of Law; and Karen J. Sneddon, Dean of Mercer University Walter F. George School of Law. Designed to work with all major casebooks, PracticePerfect is the ideal study companion for today's law students.

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Summary of Contents

Introduction and Vocabulary: Probate/Non-probate Property, Estate Administration
End-of-Life Planning
Donative Intent
Professional Responsibility and Malpractice Liability
Requirements for a Valid Will, Testamentary Intent, Testamentary Capacity, and Testamentary
Wills: Formalities of Attested Wills and Notarized Wills
Wills: Holographs, Nuncupative Wills, and Curative Doctrines
Wills: Revocation
Wills: Revival and DRR
Wills: Components
Wills: Interpretation and Extrinsic Evidence
Will Construction: Classification of Gifts, Lapse, Antilapse, Class Gifts
Will Construction: Accretions, Ademption, Exoneration, Satisfaction
Other Doctrines: Abatement, Contractual Wills
Will Challenges: Undue Influence, Insane Delusion
Will Challenges: Fraud, Duress, Tortious Interference, Mistake
Non-Probate Assets, Family Protection, and Other Topics
Non-Probate Assets: Deeds, Contracts, and Multiparty Accounts
Non-Probate Assets: Revocable Trusts and Pour-Over Plans
Family Protection
Future Interests: Powers of Appointment, Rule Against Perpetuities
Charitable Trusts
Lack of Estate Plan, Vocabulary, Survivorship/Simultaneous Death
Defining Spouse and Spousal Share
Defining Descendants
Representation A: Per Stirpes and Modern Per Stirpes
Representation B: UPC and Ancestors/Collaterals
Representation Systems Compared
Bars to Succession
Trusts: Vocabulary
Trusts: Creation
Trusts: Fiduciary Duties of Obedience and Loyalty
Trusts: Fiduciary Duty of Care (Distributions and Duty to Inquire)
Trusts: Fiduciary Duty of Care (Investment, Delegation, Impartiality)
Trusts: Shared Duties, Exculpatory Clauses, Disclosure
Trusts: Alienation and Creditor Protection
Trusts: Modification
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About the authors
Karen J. Sneddon
Mercer Law School

Karen J. Sneddon became Dean of the Mercer University School of Law on May 31, 2023. As a Professor of Law she taught legal writing and trusts & estates. She continues to write and present in those areas as well as classroom instruction and pedagogy. After graduating summa cum laude from Tulane Law School, she practiced in the area of trusts & estates. Two years later, she became a Forrester Fellow at Tulane Law School before joining the Mercer faculty in 2006. She has been a Visiting Professor of Law at the William S. Boyd School of Law at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas and taught a short course in Comparative Succession at ELTE Law, Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest, Hungary. Her most recent law review article is Dead Men (and Women) Should Tell Tales: Narrative, Intent, and Construction Proceedings, 46 ACTEC Law J. 301 (2021). In 2021, she received the 2020 Teresa G. Phelps Scholarship Award for Legal Communication for Clause A to Clause Z: Narrative Transportation and the Transactional Reader, 71 S.C. L. Rev. 247 (2019) (with Professor Susan M. Chesler, co-author and co-recipient of the award). In addition to authoring law review articles, Professor Sneddon co-authored with Moot Court Workbook with Professor Sue Painter-Thorne. Professor Sneddon has also co-authored Experiencing Trusts & Estates with Professor Deborah Gordon, Professor Carla Spivak, & Professor Alison Tait. Professor Sneddon has also contributed a rewritten judgment to Feminist Judgments: Rewritten Trusts and Estates Opinions (eds. Deborah S Gordon, Browne C. Lewis, & Carla Spivack) (Cambridge Univ. Press 2020). Since 2008, Professor Sneddon has co-authored with Professor David Hricik the regular column “Writing Matters” for the Georgia Bar Journal. She is an active member of the Legal Writing Institute, Association of Legal Writing Directors, and the Southeastern Association of Law Schools.

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Wills, Trusts, and Estates
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