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Bundle: Basic Legal Writing for Paralegals, Sixth Edition and Legal Writing

  • Hope Viner Samborn
  • Andrea B. Yelin
Series / Aspen Bundle Series
Teaching Materials

Print Bundle - This bundle includes both print and digital versions of ISBN 9781543813807 as well as an access code to – Legal Writing.

Digital Bundle - This bundle includes a digital-only version of ISBN 9798889063841 as well as digital access to – Legal Writing.


More about Basic Legal Writing for Paralegals, the Sixth Edition teaches students the skills they need to effectively work with cases, legal authorities, documents, and professional correspondence. Samborn and Yelin guide students through the writing process, using the objective memo as a teaching tool. At every stage of a well-defined writing process, the authors provide lucid explanations, visual aids, and plenty of examples. With practice exercises throughout the book, students can develop the skills that will become indispensable to their careers as paralegals. - Legal Writing features bite-sized videos and interactive practice that put students in the driver’s seat, developing their writing and research skills with real-life simulations and carefully designed assessments.

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About the authors
Hope Viner Samborn

Hope Viner Samborn is a lawyer and freelance writer in Chicago. She earned her J.D. degree at the University of Toledo College of Law and her B.A. degree in Journalism and Political Science from the University of Wisconsin—Madison. She is the co-author of The Legal Research and Writing Handbook (8th ed. Aspen Publishing, 2018) and Basic Legal Writing (5th ed. Aspen Publishing, 2016.)

Andrea B. Yelin
Director, Legal Writing Workshop
Loyola University Chicago Law School

Andrea Yelin served for several years as a Legal Reference Librarian at Loyola's Law Library and taught the legal research class for entering law students at Loyola. She attended Vassar College and earned her B.A. degree at Rice University in Houston, and her J.D. and M.S.L.S. degrees at Case Western. She taught legal research and legal writing for Loyola's Institute for Paralegal Studies. She is the co-author of The Legal Research and Writing Handbook (7th ed. Aspen Publishing, 2014); Basic Legal Writing (4th ed. Aspen Publishing, expected 2013); and Contract Law for Legal Professionals (Pearson, 2011). She is a writer for Pearson and Aspen Publishing. Andrea currently teaches courses at Loyola University Chicago School of Law and in the Writing, Rhetoric, and Discourse Department at DePaul University.

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Sixth Edition
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Connected eBook Print + Digital Bundle
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Legal Writing
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