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Cases and Text on Property, Eighth Edition

  • Susan F. French
  • Gerald Korngold
  • Nadav Shoked
  • Hannah Wiseman
Series / Aspen Casebook Series
Teaching Materials
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This revised and streamlined Eighth Edition of Cases and Text on Property is smart, compact, and thoughtful. The carefully selected and edited cases and problems give students what they need to learn about Property law in the 21st Century.  

New to the 8th Edition:
  • Nadav Shoked, Professor of Law at the Pritzker School of Law, Northwestern University, and Hannah Wiseman, Professor of Law and Professor in the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences, Pennsylvania State University join the author team. Their dynamism, intellectual vigor, commitment to students, and interest in recent iterations of property law are reflected in this latest edition.
  • Reflecting new developments as well as a re-examination of existing doctrine, increased attention is given to the treatment of Native American title to land, core tensions in family property law, recent trends in public trust litigation, climate change and its relation to energy law, discrimination in housing and land policy, the effect of Covid-19 on landlord and tenant law and land contracts in general, and the intersection of torts and property.
  • The addition to Chapter 1 of Public Lands Access Assn v. Bd. of County Commrs, dealing with public rights to waterways.
  • Tee-Hit-Ton Indians v. U.S., was added to Chapter 2, illustrating the limited recognition of Native American land claims.
  • Chapter 6 (Concurrent Estates) was expanded to include materials on family property, including Ferrill v. Ferrill (dealing with mortgage expenses for marital property), Sawada v. Endo (covering exposure of marital property to creditors of one spouse), O’Brien v. O’Brien (recognizing a medical license as marital property), and Marvin v. Marvin (recognizing rights in shared property held by a married couple).
  • Important new cases Oakwood Village v. Albertsons; Oak Street LLC v. RDR Enterprises; Coker v. JPMorgan Chase Bank; and Martin v. Cockrell.
  • The authors have continued to revise and streamline the casebook without adding additional pages to this new edition.

Professors and students will benefit from:
  • A casebook well-suited for a 4-unit Property course, but also with sufficient material that it can readily be adapted for a 5- or 6-unit course.
  • Traditional cases-and-notes pedagogy with integrated problems.
  • The introductory chapters put contemporary property law in historical context.
  • A casebook renowned for its absorbing text and teachable cases that many users have stayed with for the entire span of their careers.
  • A comprehensive Teacher’s Manual with brief suggestions for teaching every case, answers to questions asked in the notes, and maps and diagrams to explain difficult cases and problems.
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About the authors
Susan French
Professor of Law Emerita
UCLA School of Law

Susan French teaches Property, Wills and Trusts, and Common Interest Communities. Her areas of expertise include the law of wills, trusts, future interests, servitudes (easements and covenants), and common interest communities. After graduating from law school where she was articles editor of the Washington Law Review, Professor French practiced law in Seattle, Washington, and then joined the UC Davis law faculty in 1975. She was a visiting professor at the University of Michigan Law School in 1980, the UCLA School of Law in 1988-89, Harvard Law School in 1990, Duke Law School in 2001 and 2007, and the University of North Carolina in 2005. She spent a sabbatical year at the University of Chile in Santiago during 1982-83 and part of a sabbatical leave at the University of Sydney Faculty of Law in 2002.

Professor French was the Reporter for the American Law Institute’s Restatement of the Law, Third, Property (Servitudes) (2000). She serves as an adviser to the Restatement of the Law, Third, Property (Donative Transfers), and she has advised the California Law Revision Commission on the revision of laws relating to common-interest developments and the Probate Code. She is co-author of Cases and Texts on Property (with Casner, et al., 6th ed. 2015), and Community Association Law (with Hyatt, 2d ed. 2008). Professor French is also the author of A California Companion for the Course in Wills, Trusts and Estates.

Gerald Korngold
Professor of Law
New York Law School

Gerald Korngold came to the Law School from Case Western Reserve University School of Law, where he was the McCurdy Professor of Law and also served as Dean from 1997 to 2006. Professor Korngold teaches Property, Real Estate Transactions, International Real Estate, Conservation Law and Policy Clinic, and Real Estate: Transactional Skills. He is a faculty member in the Center for Real Estate Studies. Professor Korngold began his teaching career at New York Law School, where he was a faculty member from 1979 to 1987 and Associate Dean for Academic Affairs from 1984 to 1986. He has lectured nationally and internationally on land and property law issues and writes and teaches in the fields of property and real estate law.

He is the author of Private Land Use Arrangements: Easements, Real Covenants, and Equitable Servitudes (Juris Publishing, 2004); co-author of two casebooks, Real Estate Transactions: Cases and Materials on Land Transfer, Development, and Finance (Foundation Press, 2009) and Cases and Text on Property (Aspen Publishing, 2004); and co-editor of Property Stories (Foundation Press, 2009). Professor Korngold has also published numerous other articles in law reviews and journals. Recent articles are on the subprime and mortgage crisis, homeowners associations, international property issues, and conservation easements. His current research focuses on the privatization of public land use regulation, real estate transactions, conservation easements, and other issues. He is an elected member of the American Law Institute and the American College of Real Estate Lawyers.

Nadav Shoked

Nadav Shoked is Professor of Law at Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law. He joined the faculty in 2012 and also co-directs the school’s JD-PhD and Academic Placement Program. His teaching and research work focuses on property, land use, and local government law. He has written on myriad topics in these fields in articles published in the Yale Law Journal, Stanford Law Review, University of Pennsylvania Law Review, Virginia Law Review, Duke Law Journal, Northwestern University Law Review, and elsewhere. He is also working on a book reviewing attitudes toward the concept of property in American legal thinking and practice (Oxford University Press).

Hannah Wiseman

Hannah Wiseman is a Professor of Law at Penn State Law, a Professor in the Penn State College of Earth and Mineral Sciences, and Co-Director of the Penn State Center for Energy Law & Policy. Hannah’s teaching and research focus largely on the property-based complexities of energy law. As the energy mix changes, new challenges arise with respect to the externalities of energy infrastructure—externalities that are concentrated within communities that host the infrastructure. The growing use of underground property also introduces new conundrums in property law as more entities look to use tiny subsurface pore space for a variety of energy- and climate-related uses. Hannah is a co-author (with Joel Eisen, Emily Hammond, Josh Macey, David Spence, and Jim Rossi) of Energy, Economics, and the Environment (6th Ed. 2023); Energy Law (with Alexandra Klass, 2d. Ed. 2020); and Hydraulic Fracturing: A Guide to Environmental and Real Property Issues (with Keith B. Hall, 2017).

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Eighth Edition
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Property Law
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