Fundamentals of Federal Tax Procedure and Enforcement
Fundamentals of Federal Tax Procedure and Enforcement
Written by a professor with experience on all sides of federal tax disputes, Fundamentals of Federal Tax Procedure and Enforcement provides students with a guide through the thicket of rules and procedures that comprise the federal tax system, helping them make sense of a seemingly random collection of dense rules and seemingly inaccessible entities governing federal tax procedure and enforcement. For ease of teaching and learning, Professor Madison breaks down the rules and concepts of tax procedures and enforcement into four distinct parts based on the decisions and determinations the parties to a tax dispute must make, as well as the rules affecting those decisions.
Professors and students will benefit from:
- A new perspective on how to present the tax system to students
- A bird’s eye view of the tax system while drilling deep into essential topics
- A standalone resource—all necessary statutes and regulations within the text
- Probing notes and questions after each case that help put the cases in context
- A balance of technical language—less technical than the highly technical language used by tax practitioners, but more technical than law students have yet been exposed to in their legal studies
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Fundamentals of Federal Tax Procedure and Enforcement