Putting Legal Doctrine Into Practical Context: A Case File for Civil Advocacy Courses, Sachs v. Jefferson Institute of Technology, First Edition
Putting Legal Doctrine Into Practical Context: A Case File for Civil Advocacy Courses, Sachs v. Jefferson Institute of Technology, First Edition
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First Edition
Putting Legal Doctrine Into Practical Context is a real-world, user-friendly collection of course materials that is unlike anything else on the market. Designed for use in the first-year Civil Procedure course, the online simulation follows a fictitious tort action involving the alcohol-related death of a college student at a fraternity party from beginning to end. Professors assign half the class to represent each side. Materials such as law firm memoranda, fact investigation results, and legal research files are all tailored to the specific side the student represents. Through the online portal, professors can customize their use of the materials, deciding which assignments and accompanying documents become available to students and when. Students deepen their doctrinal knowledge through interviewing and counseling of the clients, reviewing legal research, and drafting legal memoranda. As the case progresses, students are asked to draft litigation documents as well as work their way through ethical dilemmas, thus gaining foundational exposure to rules of professional responsibility. Featuring sample syllabi, grading rubrics, and model documents, the file gives professors everything they need to use this practice-focused product, which has been class-tested at several law schools.
*This product is meant to be used in a professor led course, as it requires the use of passwords to unlock the course materials.
- Realistic, user-friendly, and Practice-focused course materials
- The perfect complement to any 1L Civil Procedure course
- Professors have complete control over what materials are provided—and when
*This product is meant to be used in a professor led course, as it requires the use of passwords to unlock the course materials.
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First Edition
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Digital Product
Civil Procedure
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Putting Legal Doctrine Into Practical Context: A Case File for Civil Advocacy Courses, Sachs v. Jefferson Institute of Technology, First Edition
Digital Product
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