Contemporary Law Office Management, Second Edition
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Series / Aspen Paralegal Series
Contemporary Law Office Management, Second Edition
Book length
432 pages
Publication Date
Second Edition
Practical and engaging introduction to Law Office Management for paralegals.
- Comprehensive overview of the basics of law office management in today's legal environment.
- Features real-world examples of law office management issues faced in the law office today.
- Includes helpful vocabulary, constructive discussion starters, and useful case excerpts underscoring core concepts. All of these help instructor's engage students with the material.
- Discussion questions and case studies are provided at the end of each chapter to reinforce the material. Each chapter includes review checklists and additional resources to help students master the concepts.
- Students are taught the ethical requirements of the legal business but are also challenged to understand their real-world underpinnings.
New to the Second Edition:
- Updated to reflect changes in the legal profession as clients demand economically viable solutions and technology increasingly allows lawyers to provide them
- Coverage of The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act in Chapter 5.
- Coverage of sustainability in facility management in Chapter 6
- More focus on developing demonstrable skills useful in law office management, in the legal field, and beyond
- Greater emphasis on client relationship management and legal project management by all members of the legal team
- Career preparation tips in every chapter
- Chapter outcomes added to the beginning of every chapter
- Coverage of texts and instant messaging in Chapter 7
- New section on Marketing the Law Firm in Chapter 8
- Enhanced discussion of social media and its usefulness in law firm marketing
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Law Practice Management
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