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Legal Writing for the Undergraduate, First Edition

  • Antonio C. Elefano
Series / Aspen Criminal Justice Series
Teaching Materials
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Legal Writing for the Undergraduate by Antonio C. Elefano Is the perfect introduction to American law and legal writing

Legal Writing for the Undergraduate by Antonio Elefano offers a practical introduction to legal analysis and legal writing, designed to give even the most novice student a command of the basics of legal writing. With careful guidance and scaffolding, the author effectively teaches students how to read and analyze cases and how to formulate persuasive legal arguments. The book begins with a comprehensive overview of the U.S. Legal System, including how to analyze a law and apply it to varying situations. The text continues with the fundamentals of legal writing, offering in-depth, step-by-step instruction on writing different types of Legal Memoranda and Appellate Briefs. Through effective assignments and engaging discussion, students will learn how to craft thoughtful and polished arguments.

Professors and students will benefit from:

  • A streamlined and accessible introduction to legal reasoning
  • Class-tested assignments utilizing several closed universes of cases, allowing focus on the application of law
  • Instruction on how to read and brief a case
  • Separate chapters on the fundamentals of legal writing, basic legal research, and appellate briefs
  • Thoughtful guidance on the structure and strategy of appellate-style oral argumentation
  • Helpful chapter on how to workshop legal writing
  • Practical advice on how to get into law school
  • Engaging presentation that demystifies legal analysis
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About the authors
Antonio Elefano
University of Southern California

Antonio Elefano is a full professor of Writing at the University of Southern California. He has a juris doctorate from Yale Law School and a Master of Fine Arts in Fiction Writing from Boston University. He is a member of the New York State Bar and was a corporate litigator in New York City for several years. He has taught at Boston University and the University of Houston. In his current post at USC, he is the university’s legal writing specialist and the coach of its undergraduate moot court team, which in 2024 was named by the American Moot Court Association the top program in the nation in appellate brief writing. In 2024, Antonio Elefano was awarded the USC Associates Award for Excellence in Teaching, the highest honor for teaching given at USC. That same year, he received his second USC Mentoring Award for Mentoring Undergraduates (his first was in 2019).

Elefano is also a fiction writer whose stories have been published in The Los Angeles Review, 236 and The Journal. In August 2014, his story “Italy” was one of Buzzfeed’s “29 Short Stories You Need to Read in Your Twenties.”

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First Edition
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Legal Writing
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