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Law School Survival Manual: From LSAT to Bar Exam

  • Nancy B. Rapoport
  • Jeff Van Niel
Series / Academic Success Series
Teaching Materials
In the Law School Survival Manual, Nancy Rapoport and Jeff Van Niel serve as the friendly voice of experience whose wit and wisdom will guide you through law school from the application process to orientation, and from your first year to graduation - including summer jobs, clerkships, and the bar exam. This concise handbook focuses on all aspects of law school that are mystifying or tricky or both.

The Law School Survival Manual: From LSAT to Bar Exam offers complete coverage,

  • Before law school
    • What you'll need before you apply
    • Picking the right law school for you
    • Orientation
    • Your checklist for law school
  • First year
    • Collegiality and etiquette
    • Friendships, romance, and networking
    • The psychology of law professors
    • Reading cases and statutes
    • Outlining and studying
  • Preparing for essay and multiple-choice exams
  • Choosing upper-level courses
  • Managing your time and scheduling your life
  • Exploring joint-degree program opportunities
  • Finding and applying for a summer job
  • Landing a judicial clerkship
  • Studying for the bar exam and the MPRE

With reassuring humor and unique perspectives, Nancy Rapoport and Jeff Van Niel show you how to cope with stress, manage your time, study efficiently, nurture new friendships, write a paper, prepare for exams, and make sound decisions - in law school and beyond.

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Introduction to Law
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