Jury Trials Outside In: Leveraging Psychology From Discovery to Decision, First Edition
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Jury Trials Outside In: Leveraging Psychology From Discovery to Decision, First Edition
Book length
154 pages
Publication Date
First Edition
This guide goes beyond the topic of jury psychology. Instead, it speaks to the psychology of all of the people involved in a case and how that psychology affects the manner in which we make decisions and communicate at trial. Specifically, Dr. Gomez examines key aspects of the psychology of jurors, attorneys, judges, and witnesses and analyzes how each person influences the way a case is presented to and received by jurors. Dr. Gomez takes real-life stories from the road and ties them to theory and research from disciplines such as psychology, advertising, marketing, politics, homeland security, and sociology. The goal is to understand human nature as it applies across multiple contexts so you can learn a practical lesson as it applies to the courtroom. This guide helps attorneys take a step back to address the big picture of a case, to step outside of their own viewpoint, and to turn their perspective of their case outside-in. It is a conduit that connects psychological principles applicable to civil and criminal cases, to plaintiffs and defendants, to medical malpractice, product liability, intellectual property, contract, aviation, trucking, and all other cases that involve human beings.
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Jury Trials Outside In: Leveraging Psychology From Discovery to Decision, First Edition
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