Bundle: International Arbitration: Cases and Materials, Third Edition and International Arbitration: Third Edition Documentary Supplement, Third Edition
Bundle: International Arbitration: Cases and Materials, Third Edition and International Arbitration: Third Edition Documentary Supplement, Third Edition
Print Bundle - This bundle includes both print and digital versions of ISBN 9781543804249 as well as a print version of ISBN ISBN 9781454875642.
More about International Arbitration: Cases and Materials, Third Edition: This important casebook is based on the leading commentary in the field—Born’s treatise, International Commercial Arbitration (Kluwer Law International, 3d ed. 2021). The casebook provides a comprehensive treatment of international commercial arbitration (focused on the New York Convention and UNCITRAL Model Law), while also offering comparative examples drawn from state-to-state and investment arbitration. An easy-to-use chronological structure follows the course of an international arbitration. Careful case excerpts allow instruction to focus on key stages of the arbitration, legal issues and practical aspects of international arbitration, while also providing opportunities for discussions of policy considerations.
Bundle also includes International Arbitration: Documentary Supplement, the Third Edition is for use in conjunction with International Arbitration: Cases and Materials, Third Edition. It contains basic source documents, collected in a single volume, for ready access and keyed to the underlying casebook. It includes some materials that are not readily available otherwise.
Product Information
Bundle: International Arbitration: Cases and Materials, Third Edition and International Arbitration: Third Edition Documentary Supplement, Third Edition
Connected eBook Print Bundle