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Basic Legal Research Workbook, Sixth Edition

  • Amy E. Sloan
  • Steven D. Schwinn
  • John D. Edwards
Series / Aspen Coursebook Series
Teaching Materials
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A comprehensive companion to Basic Legal Research or comparable text, Basic Legal Research Workbook provides a well-chosen range of exercises and assignments to familiarize students with fundamental research sources. Logically and intuitively organized, BLR Workbook’s coverage mirrors the research sources studied in first-year Legal Research courses, with an emphasis on digital resources while retaining the option to utilize print sources. Research exercises are presented at graduated levels of difficulty, from guided research to open research requiring more advanced research skills. The digital research exercises progressively instruct students on the latest interface features of commonly used databases. Print options cover multiple jurisdictions, reducing the demand on single library sources. This Sixth edition retains all of the types of problems, formatting, and coverage that instructors have found helpful in prior editions, but with updating to reflect the most current digital resources.

New to the Sixth Edition:
  • Digital Supplement—This will contain many of the exercises previously covered in Chapter 9 on Online Search Techniques. The digital format will allow for timely updates as platforms change as well as the addition of new materials in developing areas, such as AI, GenAI, or NextGen bar.
  • Digital answer sheets—The Workbook website includes answer sheets that can be downloaded for use as templates for completing the assignments digitally.
  • Updated Questions—Reflected in this edition are the many changes in Lexis, Westlaw, Bloomberg Law, and other databases and websites since the prior work.
Benefits for instructors and students:
  • Coverage that mirrors the research sources studied in first-year Legal Research courses, with an emphasis on digital resources while retaining the option to utilize print sources.
  • A logical and intuitive organization.
  • Research exercises cover the scope and organization of research sources (emphasizing online but also including some print), review the research process, and reinforce students’ skills.
  • Exercises are presented at graduated levels of difficulty, from guided research to open research requiring more advanced research skills.
  • Emphasis on digital sources while maintaining coverage of key print resources for professors who teach print research.
  • Digital research exercises with progressively more complex questions to instruct students on the latest interface features of commonly used databases.
  • Print assignments that can work in multiple jurisdictions, reducing the demand on single library sources.
  • Problem sets for all exercises.
  • An appealing and highly readable interior design.
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About the authors
Amy E. Sloan
University of Baltimore School of Law

Sloan joined the University of Baltimore School of Law faculty as professor of law in 2001. From 2001 until 2010, she led the Legal Skills Program jointly with Eric B. Easton. Prior to joining the faculty, she taught at The George Washington University Law School, where she directed the Legal Research and Writing Program, and at the Catholic University of America's Columbus School of Law. She served as an associate of the George Washington Law Review and as a law clerk to the Hon. William M. Nickerson and the Hon. Edward S. Northrop at the United States District Court for the District of Maryland. As Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Sloan manages academic matters within the school, including scheduling courses, advising students, working with adjunct faculty, and advising the dean and the faculty on curricular matters. Sloan's scholarly interests include legal research and writing, classical and contemporary rhetoric, and appellate practice. She is active in the Association of Legal Writing Directors and is a member of the Pennsylvania and District of Columbia bars.

Steven D. Schwinn
University of Illinois Chicago Law School

Steven Schwinn is an assistant editor at the University of Illinois Chicago Law School. He came to University of Illinois Chicago Law School from the University of Maryland School of Law, where he joined the faculty in 2001. In 2005, he received the Clinical Legal Education Association Award for Excellence for his work as a faculty co-supervisor on a post-conviction case involving a petitioner's claim of innocence, and has been recognized for his pro bono work. Previously, he taught at George Washington University Law School for two years. Professor Schwinn also was assistant general counsel for the Peace Corps from 1996 to 1999. In law school, he was a member of the editorial board of the American University Journal of Gender Law. He has written and lectured on a variety of legal topics. Professor Schwinn's specialty areas include constitutional law, negotiation, client interviewing, appellate advocacy, legal analysis, and writing.

John D. Edwards
Drake University Law School

John D. Edwards (J.D., M.A.L.S.) is Associate Dean for Information Resources and Technology and Professor of Law at Drake University Law School. He received his J.D. from the University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Law, his M.A.L.S. from the University of Missouri-Columbia, and his B.A. from Southeast Missouri State University. At Drake he has directed the Legal Research program since 1985 and served as Executive Director of Legal Research and Writing for more than two decades. He is a coauthor of Iowa Legal Research (Carolina Academic Press) and the editor of the Iowa Legal Research Guide (William S. Hein Co.). He and coauthors published CALI exercises for Iowa Legal Research: Primary Sources and Iowa Legal Research: Secondary Sources.

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Sixth Edition
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Connected eBook with Study Center + Paperback
Connected eBook with Study Center (Digital Only)
Legal Research , Legal Writing
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