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Expert Testimony: A Guide for Expert Witnesses and the Lawyers Who Examine Them, Fourth Edition

  • Steven Lubet
  • Elizabeth I. Boals
Series / NITA
Teaching Materials

Order two copies of this book: one for yourself and one for your expert witness. It will give experts the confidence they need to be comfortable in court, and give you the skills necessary to emphasize the credibility of your experts. You can avoid pitfalls such as unintentional signals, inappropriate demeanor and appearance, and awkward body language by using Expert Testimony: A Guide for Expert Witnesses and the Lawyers Who Examine Them as your guide.

In this newly revised Fourth Edition, Elizabeth Boals and Steve Lubet provide counsel on the development and presentation of expert testimony in the digital age, including discussion of visual aids and electronic discovery; analyze the Federal Rules of Evidence and Federal Rules of Civil Procedure; discuss the ethical rules governing expert retention and testimony; give examples of expert witness examinations and detailed discussion of techniques for coping with lawyer questioning; and provide checklists for quick reference.

The collaborative effort of Professors Lubet and Boals has resulted in a new edition worthwhile to both the expert witnesses and the lawyers who examine them.

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About the authors
Steven Lubet

Steven Lubet is a Professor of Law at Northwestern University. As Director of the Law School’s Program on Advocacy and Professionalism, he teaches courses on Legal Ethics, Trial Advocacy, Pretrial Litigation, and Negotiation. In addition to over fifty books and articles on legal ethics and litigation, he has published widely in the areas of international criminal law and dispute resolution. Professor Lubet is the author of Modern Trial Advocacy (currently in its sixth edition, which is co-authored by J.C. Lore), which has also been published in Canadian and Israeli editions. Professor Lubet is co-author of Judicial Conduct and Ethics (Lexis, 2000) (also currently in its sixth edition), which has been called the nation’s leading authority on judicial ethics. Professor Lubet’s other books include Nothing but the Truth: Why Trial Lawyers Don’t, Can’t and Shouldn’t Have to Tell the Whole Truth (NYU Press, 2001), as well as Exercises and Problems in Professional Responsibility (NITA) and Problems and Materials in Evidence and Trial Advocacy (NITA), both co-authored with Northwestern University School of Law Professors Robert Burns and Thomas Geraghty. In conjunction with the National Institute for Trial Advocacy, he has organized litigation programs in the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Israel, New Zealand, Australia, Singapore, and Hong Kong.

Elizabeth I. Boals

Professor Boals teaches Evidence, Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure, and a variety of Advocacy courses and serves as the Director of the Center for Excellence in Advocacy at Stetson University College of Law.

Prior to her appointment at Stetson Law in 2020, Professor Boals taught at American University Washington College of Law (AUWCL) for 15 years. At AUWCL, she served in administrative positions including as the Assistant Dean of Part-time and Online Education, Director of the Criminal Justice Practice and Policy Institute, and Associate Director of the Weinstein Trial Advocacy Program.

Professor Boals has published a variety of advocacy case files and books on criminal law, criminal procedure, and expert testimony. She is the recipient of multiple teaching and community leadership awards and is a long-time member of the National Institute of Trial Advocacy (NITA) teaching faculty. Professor Boals lectures frequently both domestically and abroad on topics related to expert witness testimony, eye-witness identification, and trial skills.

Before transitioning to a full-time teaching position, Professor Boals was a labor and employment litigation attorney for the U.S. Department of Commerce and in private practice. Professor Boals began her legal career as a public defender in the Office of the Public Defender in Alexandria, Virginia, handling a felony caseload from trials in Circuit Court through appeals to the Virginia Court of Appeals.

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