Emanuel Law Outlines for Real Estate, Fifth Edition
Emanuel Law Outlines for Real Estate, Fifth Edition
Any law school graduate will tell you that when picking your outline tool you need to pick the best because your outlines are the most important study tool you will use throughout your law school career. Developed by legendary study aid author Steve Emanuel, Emanuel Law Outlines® (ELOs) are the #1 outline choice among law students.
An ELO ensures that you understand the concepts as you learn them in class and helps you study for exams throughout the semester. Here's why you need an ELO from your first day of class right through your final exam:
- ELOs help you focus on the concepts and issues you need to master to succeed on exams.
- They are easy to understand: Each ELO contains comprehensive coverage of the topics, cases, and black letter law found in your specific casebook, but is explained in a way that is understandable.
- The Quiz Yourself and Essay Q&A features help you test your knowledge throughout the semester.
- Exam Tips alert you to the issues and fact patterns that commonly pop up on exams.
- The Capsule Summary provides a quick review of the key concepts covered in the full Outline—perfect for exam review!
- New and improved arrangement of content in some chapters.
- Addition of new cases that illustrate legal rules and major themes in major areas of real estate law
- Updated and expanded text throughout the book on many topics, including brokerage relationships, contracts of sale, title insurance, mortgages, and foreclosures
- New materials on electronic records, wire transfers, and e-notaries
- New information on disability law and real property development
- New short-answer and examination questions with model answers
- New terms added to the glossary of commonly used terms in real estate law
- Addition of helpful diagrams in key locations.
Table of Contents
Casebook Correlation Chart
Capsule Summary
1. Market Context for Real Estate Transactions
2. Real Estate Brokers
3. Preparing to Contract
4. The Executory Contract
5. Condition of the Property
6. Closing the Contract
7. Contract Remedies
8. Allocating Title Risk by Contract and by Deed
9. Land Descriptions
10. The Public Land Records
11. Title Products
12. Improving the Efficiency of the Title System
13. Housing Markets and Products
14. Possession and Use of Mortgaged Property
15. Residential Mortgage Products
16. Mortgage Obligations
17. Foreclosure
18. Mortgage Substitutes
19. Junior Mortgages
20. Basic Commercial Real Estate
Exam Questions
Sample Answers to Exam Questions
Table of Cases
Table of Statutes
Product Information
Emanuel Law Outlines for Real Estate, Fifth Edition
Emanuel Law Outlines for Real Estate, Fifth Edition
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