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Commercial Transactions: A Systems Approach, Eighth Edition

  • Lynn M. LoPucki
  • Elizabeth Warren
  • Daniel L. Keating
  • Ronald J. Mann
  • Robert M. Lawless
  • Pamela Foohey
Series / Aspen Casebook Series
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Commercial Transactions: A Systems Approach explores the nuances of transaction law from a systems’ perspective, examining the infrastructure that supports commercial transactions and how lawyers apply the law in real-world situations. Its outstanding team of co-authors uses an assignment-based structure that allows professors to adapt the text to a variety of class levels and approaches. Well-crafted problems challenge students’ understanding of the material in this comprehensive, highly teachable text.

New to the 8th Edition:

  • 25 new cases, spread across all three major parts of the text
  • Coverage of the July 2022 amendments to the Uniform Commercial Code
  • UCC Article 12, establishing rules for transactions in cryptocurrency and other controllable electronic records
  • Textual material that analyzes the 2022 Amendments to Article 2 and their effect on hybrid transactions, the statute of frauds, and the parol evidence rule


Professors and students will benefit from:

  • Easy-to-teach materials with class sessions that flow naturally from bite-sized assignments, each with a problem set
  • Comprehensive Teachers’ Manual that provides answers to every question we ask
  • Accessible authors who are happy to interact directly and on short notice with adopters
  • Assignment structure that makes it easy to select topics for coverage
  • The opportunity for adopters to become characters in the book
  • Information-rich, concise text
  • Clear explanations of the law and institutions– no hiding of the ball
  • Provision of all information students need to solve the problems
  • A focus on the things students need to know to succeed in their future jobs
  • A real-life approach that prepares students for practice
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About the authors
Lynn M. LoPucki
University of California, Los Angeles

Lynn M. LoPucki teaches Business Associations, Secured Transactions, and Comparative Corporate Law. He founded the UCLA-LoPucki Bankruptcy Research Database (BRD) in 1994 and continues to direct it. The BRD collects data on large, public company bankruptcies and disseminates it to bankruptcy researchers throughout the world. LoPucki is an empiricist who writes on a wide variety of subjects. His current project, Repurposing the Corporation, is about corporate purpose and social responsibility. His book, Business Associations: A Systems Approach (forthcoming Aspen Publishing Casebook Series 2020) (with Andrew Verstein), will be the first business associations casebook to be organized functionally rather than by entity type.

His most recently published articles have been on methodology in comparative corporation law (A Rule-Based Method for Comparing Corporate Laws), regulatory competition among the states to sell corporate charters (Corporate Charter Competition), and charter competition as an accelerant of the threat to humanity from artificial intelligence (Algorithmic Entities). LoPucki has written on legal strategy, court system transparency, the application of systems analysis in law, and the impact of judgment-proofing on civil liability. He has published empirical studies on the bankruptcy system, the UCC filing system, the law faculty hiring system, and other subjects. BRD data provided the foundation for two of Professor LoPucki’s books, Courting Failure: How Competition for Big Cases is Corrupting the Bankruptcy Courts (University of Michigan Press, 2005) and Professional Fees in Corporate Bankruptcies: Data, Analysis, and Evaluation (Oxford University Press, 2011) (with Joseph Doherty).

His writings have been published in the Yale Law Journal, Stanford Law Review, University of Chicago Law Review, University of Michigan Law Review, University of Pennsylvania Law Review, Virginia Law Review, Cornell Law Review, Duke Law Journal, and Northwestern University Law Review and many others. VisiLaw, a system developed by LoPucki for marking statutes to make them easier to read, was nominated for an HIIL Innovating Justice Award in 2012. Two annual statutory supplements are now published with VisiLaw markings.

Professor LoPucki uses an empirically based systems approach for policy analysis. He has proposed public identities as the solution to identity theft, court system transparency as the solution to judicial bias, and an effective filing system as the solution to the deceptive nature of secured credit. Professor LoPucki is co-author of two widely used law school casebooks: Secured Transactions: A Systems Approach (with Elizabeth Warren and Robert M. Lawless, 9th edition, 2020) and Commercial Transactions: A Systems Approach (with Elizabeth Warren, Daniel L. Keating, and Ronald Mann, 7th edition, 2020); a leading practice manual: Strategies for Creditors in Bankruptcy Proceedings (with Christopher R. Mirick, 6th edition, 2015); and, a popular series of bankruptcy procedure flow charts: Bankruptcy Visuals. LoPucki’s “Death of Liability” thesis—propounded in a Yale Law Journal article in 1996—has been featured in casebooks in several fields. He is a member of the American College of Bankruptcy and the International Insolvency Institute. Professor LoPucki was a member of the Cornell Law School faculty before coming to UCLA in 1999.

Elizabeth Warren
Harvard University (Emeritus)

Elizabeth Warren is the Leo Gottlieb Professor of Law Emeritus at Harvard University and the senior United States Senator from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. While in teaching, she twice won the Sacks-Freund Award for Teaching Excellence at Harvard Law School, as well as other teaching prizes at the University of Houston, the University of Michigan, and the University of Pennsylvania. She has written ten books and more than a hundred scholarly articles dealing with credit and economic stress. Warren has been a principal investigator on empirical studies funded by the National Science Foundation and more than a dozen private foundations. Warren served as Chief Adviser to the National Bankruptcy Review Commission. She also served as Vice-President of the American Law Institute, and she has been inducted into the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. During the financial crisis, Warren was the Chair of the Congressional Oversight Panel for the Troubled Asset Relief Program, and she later served as Adviser to the President and Special Adviser to the Secretary of the Treasury to set up the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

Daniel L. Keating
Tyrrell Williams Professor of Law
Washington University

Dan Keating teaches and writes in the areas of bankruptcy, commercial law, and UCC Article 2. The author of two casebooks on commercial law, as well as a treatise on the employment law implications of bankruptcy, he has written on such issues as bankruptcy reform and the implication of bankruptcy on collective bargaining agreements, pension insurance, and the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC). His scholarship also has covered the subject of sales law and practice.

He is an elected member of the American Law Institute and a Fellow of the American College of Bankruptcy. Professor Keating has served three times as interim dean, as well as several years as vice dean or associate dean. He is the recipient of a Washington University Founder’s Day Distinguished Faculty Award and the law school’s Outstanding Professor Award.

Before joining the faculty, he was a John Olin Fellow in Law and Economics while a student at the University of Chicago Law School. Before his teaching career, he practiced law for two years as a bankruptcy attorney with The First National Bank of Chicago. As a community service, he regularly teaches a free ACT prep course to high school students at urban high schools in the Chicago and St. Louis areas.

Ronald J. Mann

Law clerk to Judge Joseph T. Sneed, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit (1985-1986). Law clerk to Justice Lewis F. Powell, Jr., Supreme Court of the United States (1986-1987). Practiced real estate and transactional law in Houston, Texas (1987-1991). Worked for the Justice Department as an Assistant for the Solicitor General of the United States (1991-1994). Joined the University of Texas faculty in 2003. Assistant professor of law (1997-1999), and professor of law (1999-2003), at the University of Michigan. Assistant professor of law (1994-1997), and professor of law (1997), at Washington University. Visiting professor of law at Harvard in 2005. Joined the Columbia Law School faculty on July 1, 2007, as Albert E. Cinelli Enterprise Professor of Law. Member of the American Law Institute. Recently served as the reporter for the amendments to Articles 3 and 4 of the Uniform Commercial Code.

Robert M. Lawless
University of Illinois College of Law

Professor Robert Lawless specializes in bankruptcy, consumer credit, and business law. He is intensely interested in empirical legal studies and interdisciplinary work. In addition to a course in empirical methods, he teaches in the areas of bankruptcy and commercial law.

Professor Lawless is one of seven regular contributors to the blog Credit Slips, a discussion on credit and bankruptcy. He also is a member of the Consumer Bankruptcy Project, a long-term empirical project studying persons who file bankruptcy. The latest report from the Consumer Bankruptcy Project received the 2009 Editors' Prize from the American Bankruptcy Law Journal.

Professor Lawless has testified before Congress, and his work has been featured in media outlets such as CNN, CNBC, the New York Times, USA Today, the National Law Journal, the L.A. Times, the Financial Times, and Money magazine.

Pamela Foohey

Pamela Foohey is the Allen Post Professor of Law at the University of Georgia School of Law. Specializing in bankruptcy, commercial law, consumer finance and business law, Foohey’s scholarship primarily involves empirical studies of bankruptcy and related parts of the legal system, combining quantitative and qualitative interview-based research. She presently serves as a co-investigator on the Consumer Bankruptcy Law Project, a long-term research project studying persons who file bankruptcy. Data from this research project serve as the basis of her in-progress co-authored book Debt’s Grip: Risk and Consumer Bankruptcy, forthcoming with the University of California Press. Her work in business bankruptcy focuses on nonprofit entities, with a particular emphasis on how religious organizations use bankruptcy. Data from this project are included in her other in-progress book Forgive Us Our Debts: How Black Churches Use Bankruptcy to Survive, forthcoming with the University of Chicago Press.

She is a co-author for Secured Transactions: A Systems Approach, a leading textbook on the topic, and for Commercial Transactions: A Systems Approach. Her recent scholarship includes the article “Silencing Litigation Through Bankruptcy” in the Virginia Law Review. Other leading journals publishing her work include the Southern California Law Review, the Boston College Law Review, the Notre Dame Law Review and Law & Contemporary Problems, among others.

Foohey has assisted members of Congress and federal and state agencies in the areas of bankruptcy and consumer credit. She has also provided expert media commentary for high profile publications such as The New York Times, Financial Times and The Washington Post, in addition to Bloomberg and National Public Radio.

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Eighth Edition
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Commercial Law
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