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Essay Exam Writing for the California Bar Exam, Third Edition

  • Mary Basick
  • Tina Schindler
Series / Bar Review Series
Teaching Materials
The Third Edition of Essay Exam Writing for the California Bar Exam contains everything needed to pass the essay portion of the California bar exam. The book combines a comprehensive, yet efficiently concise review of volumes of substantive law with the authors' proven-effective strategic plan for writing passing bar essays. Rule outlines are supplemented with issues checklists to aid issue spotting and memorization attack sheets, to make memorization manageable, while practice questions productively cover favorite and newly added testing areas so that bar study is targeted and effective.
New to the Third Edition:
  • Recent and updated rule developments in all subjects
  • Expanded coverage of new topics emphasized on recent bar exams
  • Updated issues tested matrices, rule memorization attack sheets, and topic specific approaches to reflect current testing trends, as well new testing charts for heavily tested topics such as conflicts of interest in Professional Responsibility or Fourth Amendment approach in Criminal Procedure, as well as others
  • Three new essay questions and corresponding grids per subject including crossover questions
  • Three sample answers per chapter with updated grids for all questions
  • Testing strategies and approach to taking an online bar exam
Professors and students will benefit from:
  • Concise easy to memorize rule statements
  • Fact triggers and exam tips that aid the transition to bar exam writing style
  • New charts for some heavily tested topics to aid visual learners
  • Easy to follow essay approaches for key topics
  • Practice essay questions with corresponding answer grids identifying issues and analysis required for a passing score
  • Realistic sample answers that could be written under timed conditions, closed book
  • Coverage of all heavily and newly tested topics in each subject and crossover questions
  • Issues tested matrices identifying the subtopics tested in every essay given in 35+ years
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About the authors
Mary Basick
Assistant Dean
Southwestern Law School

Mary Basick is the Assistant Dean for Bar Preparation and an Associate Professor of Law for Academic Success and Bar Preparation at Southwestern Law School, where she recently led the school to historic bar passage rates. For over a decade, she has successfully designed programs, developed innovative curricula, and taught courses in bar preparation and academic support.

Mary Basick has authored several popular bar preparation books with longtime collaborator Tina Schindler. Their books are known for being concise and practical, condensing vast amounts of substantive law into manageable concepts that are easy to understand. Together they have authored Essay Exam Writing for the California Bar Exam (Aspen Publishing, 2nd ed. 2020), California Performance Test Workbook (Aspen Publishing, 2nd ed. 2020), and MBE Decoded (Aspen Publishing, 2021). Additionally, she authored the Multistate Bar Exam flash card set for the Emanuel Law in a Flash series.

Tina Schindler
Southwestern Law School

Professor Schindler is the Director of Bar Preparation and an Associate Professor of Law for Academic Success and Bar Preparation at Southwestern Law School, where she recently helped lead the school to historic bar passage rates. For over a decade, she has designed academic and bar exam support programs, created innovative curricula, directed bar preparation programs and pre-admission law school programs, taught courses and workshops in all California bar tested subjects, and published books that enable students to pass both the essay and performance test portion of the California Bar Exam.

She co-authored (with Mary Basick) a popular and highly rated bar preparation book, Essay Exam Writing for the California Bar Exam, which is in its second edition. She also co-authored (with Mary Basick) the book, California Performance Test Workbook: Preparation for the Bar Exam, also in its second edition. Her work was also published in the book, Your Guide to Taking the Bar (Again).

In addition to teaching and publishing on bar exam subjects and test-taking strategies, Professor Schindler has graded and lectured for several bar preparation companies and served on several committees related to bar passage for the Association of Academic Support Educators (AASE). As an expert in the field of academic and bar support, Professor Schindler has been invited to present on bar exam topics at national conferences, including her heavily attended presentation on Improving Multiple-Choice Test Taking at the AASE Annual Conference.

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Third Edition
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Connected eBook (Digital Only)
Bar Preparation
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