Chapter 11: Reorganizing American Businesses, Third Edition
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Book length
240 pages
Publication Date
Third Edition
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Chapter 11: Reorganizing American Businesses, The Essentials is part Aspen’s new Essentials series, which takes a “forest rather than the trees” approach to teaching. This concise paperback concentrates on the fundamentals of business bankruptcy law and uses an informal, essay-like style to explain them. In addition to developing the important ideas in business bankruptcy, the author also takes a look at some of the more important operational elements in order to bring the material to life. Suitable for use with any casebook, this text clarifies the important topics and bridges the gap of understanding for the student.
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Elizabeth Warren is the Leo Gottlieb Professor of Law Emeritus at Harvard University and the senior United States Senator from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. While in teaching, she twice won the Sacks-Freund Award for Teaching Excellence at Harvard Law School, as well as other teaching prizes at the University of Houston, the University of Michigan, and the University of Pennsylvania. She has written ten books and more than a hundred scholarly articles dealing with credit and economic stress. Warren has been a principal investigator on empirical studies funded by the National Science Foundation and more than a dozen private foundations. Warren served as Chief Adviser to the National Bankruptcy Review Commission. She also served as Vice-President of the American Law Institute, and she has been inducted into the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. During the financial crisis, Warren was the Chair of the Congressional Oversight Panel for the Troubled Asset Relief Program, and she later served as Adviser to the President and Special Adviser to the Secretary of the Treasury to set up the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.