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Inside Bankruptcy: What Matters and Why, Second Edition

  • Nathalie Martin
Series / Inside Series
Teaching Materials
With dynamic learning features and visual aids, the Inside Series helps you make the most of your study time, throughout the semester and as you prepare for the final. Unlike heavily abridged treatises, the Inside Series is carefully written in a concise, straightforward style that clearly identifies the essential components of the law and how they fit together. You can quickly learn what is important and why. Overviews and Tables of Contents in each chapter act as a roadmap to guide you through topics, showing you how each relates to the larger legal framework. FAQs clarify points of law and help you avoid common mistakes and misconceptions. Sidebars give fascinating additional detail from legal history, policy, famous cases and more. The graphic design supports your visual learning, and features such as bolded key terms, summaries, and Connections help reinforce your understanding while giving you ample opportunity for self-review.

Surprisingly concise, visually compelling, the Inside Series is extremely useful throughout the semester to help you identify the essential components of the law and how they fit together.

  • Comprehensive coverage of the essential topics emphasizes what you need to know and why.
  • Clear, straightforward, informal writing explains every topic for you without over-simplifying the concepts.
  • Overviews and Tables of Contents in each chapter act as a roadmap to guide you through topics, showing you why each matters and how it fits into the larger framework of the law.
  • FAQs clarify points of law and help you avoid common mistakes and misconceptions.
  • Sidebars enrich the text with fascinating detail from legal history, policy, famous cases and more.
  • Bolded key terms, Connections and summaries reinforce your understanding and give you ample opportunity for self-review.
  • The overall graphical design of the series supports your visual learning.
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About the authors
Nathalie Martin

Nathalie Martin is the Frederick M. Hart Chair in Consumer and Clinical Law at the University of New Mexico School of Law (UNMSOL), where she regularly teaches bankruptcy, contracts, secured transactions, and other UCC classes. She also has taught in the Economic Justice Clinic, as well as consumer law and business associations. She has written a number of articles about bankruptcy law and other related topics, which are listed Her current research involves payday and title lending contracts, advertising, and legislation. She also has done an empirical study of attitudes about interest rates and usury, and the effect these attitudes should have on legislation. She also studies credit use among undocumented immigrants who live in the U.S.

Prior to teaching, she was in private practice in Philadelphia and Boston, where she specialized in Chapter 11 reorganization. Professor Martin was the American Bankruptcy Institute Scholar in residence for the Fall of 2005. The endowed chair that she occupies, the Frederick M. Hart Chair in Consumer and Clinical Law, is thought to be one of the only chairs in the country dedicated to scholarly pursuits in the consumer law area. She has also written books and taught classes on mindfulness in legal education and in the legal community as a whole. She is part of a growing group of law professors incorporating wellness into professional responsibility and professional legal identity formation.

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Second Edition
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Bankruptcy and Debtor/Creditor Law
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