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Cases and Materials on Corporations, Ninth Edition

  • John C. Coffee
  • Ronald J. Gilson
  • Brian JM Quinn  
Series / Aspen Casebook Series
Teaching Materials
Table of contents

Renowned for its richness, depth, and authorship, Cases and Materials on Corporations offers broad coverage of both public and closely held corporations. A powerful introductory chapter sets out the defining characteristics of a corporation. A thematic framework frames corporate law in terms of the corporation’s responsibilities to its employees, its investors, and society.

New to the Ninth Edition:

  • The introductory Chapter recognizes that issues of race and systemic discrimination have dominated recent headlines and political discourse. This has re-focused attention on the long-standing debate between proponents of the dominant shareholders primacy model of corporate governance and proponents of a more stakeholder-oriented model. Without taking sides on this issue, this Chapter notes that this debate has continued throughout American legal history, and it focuses on recent efforts by some states and Nasdaq to require greater diversity (both in terms of race and gender) on corporate boards. Current data is provided. In addition, this Chapter adds a new section to introduce the “public benefit corporation,” a new corporate form that is a hybrid of a profit-making corporation and a not-for-profit entity now recognized by a majority of the states.
  • New material on the emerging line of good faith cases in the context of director oversight where a corporation is subject to “mission critical” regulation. This new line of cases opens up potential avenues to assign monetary liability to directors for failure to manage corporate risks.
  • New Supreme Court decisions (including Lorenzo and Omnicare) are assessed, and the continuing struggle to define insider trading is reviewed.
  • The chapter on shareholder voting and proxy gives special attention to recent efforts by activist hedge funds to influence and constrain corporate management.
  • The revised chapter on takeovers takes up the legal rules governing friendly and unfriendly acquisitions. The chapter tracks the unique experience of Delaware law over this period: an ongoing and openly—but respectful–disagreement between the Delaware Chancery Court and the Delaware Supreme Court about the allocation of authority between the board of directors and shareholders. The chapter also examines the new texture of the takeover market where activists play a central role.

Professors and students will benefit from:

  • Richness and depth: A range of thoroughly developed topics allows instructors to delve into topics with as much depth as they wish. The text is strong in material on both public and closely held corporations.
  • Traditional casebook pedagogy: Text notes, statutory material, excerpted commentary, problems, questions, and edited cases.
  • Strong introductory chapter: Sets out the defining characteristics of a corporation: limited liability, perpetual existence, free transferability, and centralized management.
  • Thematic framework: Examines corporate law in the context of the corporation’s responsibilities to its own constituents and investors, as well as to society.

Teaching materials Include:

  • Teacher’s Manual
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About the authors
John Coffee
Columbia University

Following graduation from law school, was a Reginald Heber Smith fellow for one year, doing poverty law litigation in New York City. Corporate lawyer with Cravath, Swaine Moore, 1970-76. From 1976 until coming to Columbia in 1980, was a professor at Georgetown University Law Center. Visiting professor at Harvard Law School (2001), Stanford University Law School (1988), the University of Virginia Law School (1978), and the University of Michigan Law School (1979). Reporter for the American Bar Association for its Model Standards on Sentencing Alternatives and Procedures and for the American Law Institute#39;s Principles of Corporate Governance. Member or former member, Economic Advisory Board to Nasdaq; National Academy of Sciences panel studying empirical research on sentencing; the National Research Council#39;s Standing Committee on Law and Justice; the Advisory Panel on Environmental Sentencing Guidelines to the United States Sentencing Commission; SEC Advisory Committee on the Capital Formation and Regulatory Processes; the Subcouncil on Capital Markets of the United States Competitiveness Policy Council; the Legal Advisory Board to the National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD); Legal Advisory Committee to the board of directors of the New York Stock Exchange. Former chairperson of the Section on Business Associations of the Association of American Law Schools. Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences; listed by the National Law Journal as one of quot;The 100 Most Influential Lawyers in the United States.quot; Publications include Cases and Materials on Securities Regulation (with Seligman, 9th ed., 2003); Knights, Raiders and Targets: The Impact of the Hostile Takeover (with Lowenstein and Rose-Ackerman, 1988); Cases and Materials on Corporations (with Choper and Gilson, 6th ed., 2004); and Business Organization and Finance: Legal and Economic Principles (with Klein, 9th ed., 2004). Principal interests are corporations, securities regulation, class actions, criminal law, and white-collar crime.

Ronald Gilson
Stanford and Columbia Universities

An experienced practitioner of corporate and securities law before entering academia, Ronald Gilson is the author of major casebooks on corporate finance and corporate acquisitions. He has written widely on U.S. and comparative corporate governance and on venture capital and was a reporter of the American Law Institutersquo;s Corporate Governance Project. Professor Gilson is a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the European Corporate Governance Institute, and is the board chair for American Century Mountain View Mutual Funds, managing over $26 billion in assets. In addition to his role at Stanford Law School, he is the Marc and Eva Stern Professor of Law and Business at Columbia University School of Law. Before joining the Stanford Law School faculty in 1979, Professor Gilson was a partner at a San Francisco corporate law firm. He clerked for Chief Judge David L. Bazelon of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit.

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Ninth Edition
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Business Organizations
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